Rappahannock News



This week’s theme is: AMERICAN WILDLIFE. Clues marked with an asterisk (*) are theme-related. Solution in next week’s Rappahanno­ck News.


1. Upright monument

6. Likewise

9. *Eagle’s talon

13. *Entrances to groundhogs’ burrows

14. Objective male pronoun

15. CuraÁao neighbor

16. Islam’s Supreme Being

17. A in IPA

18. More silent

19. *Beaver-like rodent

21. *a.k.a Brown bear

23. Popular Thanksgivi­ng tuber

24. SWAT attack

25. Between game and match

28. O. Henry’s “The Gift of the ___”

30. Make numb

35. ____sack

37. Drinks through a straw

39. Red Sea peninsula

40. Beyond natural

41. Single-mast boat

43. Soda pop recyclable­s

44. Little Boy and Fat Man

46. Way, way off

47. “Cogito ____ sum”

48. It’s meant to be

50. *Great leaper

52. Who’s from Mars?

53. Not that

55. Bobby sox dance

57. *Nocturnal mask wearer?

61. “Red sky at night, sailor’s ____”

65. Cool & distant

66. Public health approver

68. One who dares

69. Reg. alternativ­e

70. Singer-songwriter Stewart

71. Accustom

72. One of many in an arena

73. “Four score and seven years ____”

74. Norbert, to his momma?


1. Pillow that’s not for sleeping

2. Cough syrup balsam

3. Corner pieces

4. Prone to communicat­e secret info

5. Hindu retreat

6. Not this

7. Tin Man’s necessity

8. Last letter of Greek alphabet

9. Actress Penelope

10. Figure skating jump

11. Cain’s unfortunat­e brother

12. Extra cautious

15. NaNH2 and H3CONH2, e.g.

20. What hoarders do

22. Human cage part

24. Heists

25. *Striped stinker

26. Boredom

27. Flyer holders

29. *Desert monster

31. Likable

32. Take a piece from

33. Canine affliction

34. *a.k.a. buffalo

36. Poe’s “Annabel Lee“, e.g.

38. *Fly like an eagle

42. Nasa mission, e.g.

45. Depart

49. Short for although

51. *Not Bald one but ____

54. Prefix with red

56. Baby grand

57. X-ray units

58. Away from wind

59. Kind of cola

60. *Snowshoe’s seasonal change

61. Carpenter’s groove

62. *Earthworms to a badger, e.g.

63. Lemongrass, e.g.

64. 3-point shot

67. *Prairie ____

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