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of non-county residents. Individual­s who have made "the circuit” if you will, spreading fallacies and fear from county to county. Thankfully, the sanctuary supporters were not armed with rocks!

Regarding the gun safety measures, which are set to be voted on this month; I'd be curious to know how many sanctuary advocates (or the board members who voted yes) have actually taken the time to read them.

If they had, it is beyond reason that they would object to any of the proposals. Here's a few of the many proposed measures.

Source VA General Assembly:

One bill would allow Virginia more time to do buyer background checks for dealers, with five days for State Police to provide a response to dealers rather than one day. This bill would also eliminate current permission for a dealer to complete the sale if the State Police background check system is backed up.

Red flag laws provide a way to temporaril­y remove one’s access to guns if friends, family members or others can show that the person is a threat to themselves or others.

Lawmakers will also consider raising the minimum age to purchase a gun from 18 to 21, toughening the penalty for leaving a loaded, unsecured gun around someone younger than 14 and expanding the current penalty to cover all minors, and requiring additional dealer reporting of gun sales involving multiple weapons.

The proposed changes are plain, commonsens­e measures designed to make our society safer. They are not designed to take away guns from law abiding citizens. I urge anyone who thinks our 2nd amendment rights will be reduced by these measures to read them, familiariz­e and educate yourselves.

Don’t fall victim to fear mongering and false claims by special interest groups. Who could object to these? I am a gun owner myself and I can’t fathom objecting to any of the measures.

And lastly, Mr. Brady please keep writing but do try to stop inciting. It’s unbecoming.

The writer lives in Castleton

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