Rappahannock News

Masks work, no argument

- Sperryvill­e

Itis no longer appropriat­e to discuss the e cacy of masks in preventing COVID-19 infections. Numerous scientists have asked this question, and there is literature con rming the usefulness of masks.

We may argue about what kind of mask is most e ective, whether exhale valves are OK, or what material to use. We cannot argue about masks themselves. Areas in this country where masks have been abandoned too soon have seen a spike in case rates and deaths. Masks are cheap, and the inconvenie­nce of wearing them is trivial. Life is irreplacea­ble.

In the Spanish u pandemic of 1928, no one knew what a virus was, but o cials knew enough to recommend social distancing and mask use to prevent spread of that disease. Masks alone will not be enough now. We also need social distancing as well as tracking and testing.

The third part of this prescripti­on, tracking and testing, was responsibl­e for the eliminatio­n of smallpox from the world in 1980. Prior to 1980, we had relied on mass vaccinatio­ns to eliminate this disease. However, there were not enough resources to do this e ectively, and the eradicatio­n e ort switched to identi cation of individual cases as a strategy. The last case of smallpox was a three year old girl in Bangladesh. Armed guards were placed around her house, and everyone within a 1.5 mile radius was vaccinated.

A vaccine for COVID-19 seems likely by 2021 or 2022. Until then, we will have to rely on masks, social distancing, and testing to control this virus. We are fortunate in Virginia to have competent leaders to help us, and we must follow their advice.

D . R B , MD

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