Rappahannock News

{ Some lacked optimism for Washington’s future }


Since 2017, the town’s popular Tula’s Restaurant and Bar closed, leaving a void in the area for meals and drinks and a location where residents can gather.

Some pointed to The Inn at Little Washington’s expansions, including the recently opened Patty O’s Cafe, as examples of positive developmen­ts within town, especially as the business and other bed and breakfasts have helped to significan­tly boost Washington’s meals and lodging tax fund. But some expressed a desire for Washington to carve out its own identity separate to that of The Inn.

Rev. Elizabeth Keeler, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, said that while her parish is growing, people lack a reason to stay in town once services are complete.

When asked what’s changed most in the town since 2017, Washington Mayor Fred Catlin lamented what he feels has been a growing rift between residents of Rappahanno­ck County and those who live within the town.

“Apart from the Rush River Commons, it’s a fairly negative picture. We’ve lost businesses, we have more politiciza­tion, we’ve lost a watering hole for people,” Anstey said, referring to the loss of Tula’s.

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