Rappahannock News

Full steam ahead with broadband


At the last Broadband Authority meeting on Jan. 26, StonewallH­awthorne Supervisor Ron Frazier expressed his opposition to the All Points Broadband e ort because

“we have an immediate problem” that needs to be addressed, while just last month in a letter to the Rappahanno­ck News he said “Let’s slow down on Broadband and consider alternativ­es.”

Piedmont Supervisor Christine Smith opposes the All Points e ort because her district was not rst in line to receive ber under the proposal. One has to ask: why are these supervisor­s so dead set against the All Points Broadband e ort? The illogical and capricious nature of their objections would appear not intended to advance the interests of their constituen­ts or Rappahanno­ck County, rather the purpose of these dilatory tactics is to deny Broadband to the community. That would be a travesty. Let’s move forward with the All Points proposal without delay.


Flint Hill

Editor’s Note: Frazier did not explicitly say ‘ Let’s slow down on Broadband and consider alternativ­es.’ That was a headline written by Rappahanno­ck News editors to summarize the sentiment outlined within his letter.

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