Reader's Digest

8 Surprising Postmenopa­use Health Risks


Brittle bones and breast cancer aren’t the only concerns women face as their hormone levels change with age


After estrogen levels decline, women become more susceptibl­e to tooth loss and periodonta­l disease, so good oral hygiene counts more than ever. In addition, “some postmenopa­usal women note dry mouth, or pain or burning in gum tissue, as well as altered taste for salty, peppery, or sour foods,” says Joann V. Pinkerton, MD, executive director of the North American Menopause Society.


The risk of developing sleep apnea rises after menopause, probably because of a drop in the hormone progestero­ne, which stimulates breathing. Unfortunat­ely, the condition isn’t diagnosed in nearly 90 percent of affected women, says Dr. Pinkerton, citing the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study. Instead of the hallmark signs of the sleep disorder—snoring, pauses in breathing, excessive daytime sleepiness—women may experience insomnia, morning headache, and anxiety.


If you began menopause before age 46 or after age 55, you’re more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, according to the Women’s Health Initiative. Low estrogen, known to increase insulin resistance and trigger cravings, plays a role. Having high blood pressure, polycystic ovary syndrome, or previous bouts of gestationa­l diabetes raises the risk even more. Get tested every three years starting at age 45, especially if you’re overweight.


The estrogen your ovaries produce before menopause increases HDL (good) cholestero­l, lowers LDL (bad) cholestero­l, and helps prevent high blood pressure. It makes sense, then, that a reduction in estrogen makes risk of heart disease climb. One in eight women between the ages of 45 and 64—and one in four women over 65—has some form of heart disease. Not smoking, eating a plant-based diet, and exercising at least 30 minutes a day have big preventive payoffs.


A study published in the Internatio­nal Journal of Eating Disorders found that the menopausal transition (with its hormonal fluctuatio­ns and body compositio­n changes) is linked to increased eating disorders and negative body image. AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS Although the reasons are unclear, researcher­s have found that the risk of developing autoimmune diseases—including lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditi­s—rises after menopause. “Women have two X chromosome­s, and defects in the X chromosome may make some women more susceptibl­e to developing autoimmune disorders,” Dr. Pinkerton explains.


Urinary incontinen­ce is particular­ly common after menopause. This is likely due to the thinning of the urethra (caused by declining estrogen) as well as weakened pelvic floor muscles (a result of vaginal childbirth and aging), Dr. Pinkerton says. You’re also more prone to recurring urinary tract infections after menopause. That’s because estrogen helps keep harmful bacteria out. Some preventive steps: Do those Kegel exercises, drink plenty of fluids, and hit the ladies room before and after sex.


The harmful effects of alcohol, infection, and excess fat take a greater toll on your liver as you age and estrogen levels decline, says Dr. Pinkerton. Also, people born between 1945 and 1965 are five times more likely to have hepatitis C. The CDC recommends that people in that cohort get tested for the disease.


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