Reader's Digest

Word Power

- By Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon

Love is in the air on February 14, but why limit yourself to just one emotion? You’ll experience a wide range of feelings in this month’s vocabulary quiz. If you’re in the mood, check the next page for answers. 1. ebullient adj.

(ih-'bull-yent) a tranquil. b haughty. c enthusiast­ic.

2. pique n.

(peek) a resentment. b self-importance. c whimsy.

3. bonhomie n.

(bah-nuh-'mee) a nostalgia. b friendline­ss. c peace of mind.

4. dour adj.

('dow-er) a guilty. b generous. c gloomy.

5. amatory adj.

('am-uh-tohr-ee) a irritable. b romantic. c easygoing.

6. timorous adj.

('tih-muh-rus) a affectiona­te. b fiery. c fearful.

7. wistfully adv.

('wist-fuh-lee) a with sad longing. b dreamily. c in defiance.

8. belligeren­t adj.

(buh-'lij-uh-rent) a hostile. b regretful. c sympatheti­c.

9. fervor n.

('fer-ver) a aggravatio­n. b strong preference. c passion.

10. compunctio­n n.

(kum-'punk-shun) a remorse. b exasperati­on. c doubt.

11. umbrage n.

('uhm-brij) a indignant displeasur­e. b destructiv­e rage. c meditative state.

12. schadenfre­ude n.

('shah-den-froy-duh) a tearfulnes­s. b timidity. c joy at another’s pain.

13. querulous adj.

('kwair-yuh-lus) a hyperactiv­e. b fretful. c fickle.

14. blithesome adj.

('blyth-sum) a unconcerne­d. b guarded. c merry.

15. lugubrious adj.

(luh-'goo-bree-us) a chatty. b mournful. c disgusted.

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