Reader's Digest

Humor in UNIFORM

- cartoon by Bill Abbott

Our base’s Army Exchange Service carried a particular brand of underarm deodorant that I liked and bought for years. Then one day I couldn’t find it. I asked an employee whether they still carried my deodorant.

“No, we don’t,” she said. “It was always selling out, and I could never keep it in stock. So I quit ordering it.” —Jerry Robert Ryan Franklin, Tennessee

I admit it—i have a tendency to exaggerate, and I was afraid when I joined the Navy that my “creativity” might get me in trouble. But my fears were put to rest one day while getting into formation, which was determined by height. Now, I was shy of six feet tall, but when our drill sergeant called for all six-footers to line up, I stepped forward anyway. I instantly knew I was in the right outfit when I looked around. I was the tallest guy in line.

—George Walter Reamy Lorena, Texas

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