Reader's Digest

Always losing YOUR KEYS


1 Focus. Wandering from room to room in a frenzy doesn’t allow for a thorough search. Finish searching one area before moving to the next. 2 Seek out clutter. If your keys were in plain view, you probably would have found them already. Research has shown that we waste a lot of time looking in obvious areas. 3 Retrace your steps. Form a mental picture of where you were the last time you remember having your keys: the time of day, who else was there, what you were doing, etc., recommends Irene Kan, a professor of psychology at Villanova University. This is called “context reinstatem­ent.” 4 For the next time: Make a plan. Go low-tech by setting up a designated place for your

keys-and use it every day. Or try a Bluetooth-enabled tracking device such as Tile or Trackr. Attach the fob to your key chain, and then use your phone to make it ring to locate your lost keys.

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