Reader's Digest

Word Power ANSWERS


1. confederat­e (a) ally.

The duke and his confederat­es plotted to overthrow the corrupt king.

2. armistice (c) truce.

There can be no armistice between cats and mice.

3. flotilla (a) naval unit.

Surrounded by a flotilla of smaller ships, the aircraft carrier entered internatio­nal waters.

4. détente (b) easing of tensions.

The two sides have reached a delicate détente.

5. corvette (b) warship.

None of the army’s corvettes could catch the fleeing pirate ship.

6. garrison (a) military post.

The garrison, home to about 200 troops, will close next year.

7. amphibious (c) fit for sea or land.

Marti began her Hawaiian vacation by touring Waikiki and Pearl Harbor in an amphibious vehicle.

8. clandestin­e (a) secret.

The twins worked out a clandestin­e scheme to break into Grandma’s cookie jar.

9. artillery (b) weapons.

Even without the benefit of modern artillery, medieval armies were able to defend their castles.

10. ballistic (b) of projectile­s.

Captain Nowak planned a ballistic assault to kill the giant sea monster.

11. cadet (b) officer in training.

“Sir, yes, sir!” shouted the nervous cadets.

12. fusillade (a) outburst of shots.

The food fight began with a fusillade of meatballs.

13. bulwark (c) defensive wall.

The Great Wall of China, a bulwark built over thousands of years, is one of the world’s most famous structures.

14. rapprochem­ent (c) cordial relations.

The current rapprochem­ent between the countries was achieved after years of tension.

15. infantry (a) foot soldiers.

Hurrying across the bridge, the last of the infantry got into position.

Vocabulary Ratings

9 & below: private

10–12: sergeant

13–15: general

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