Reader's Digest



Are radiating pains down the back of your legi or pain in your lower back or buttocks making it uncomforta­ble to siti walk or sleep? Millions of people are suffering unnecessar­ily because they are not aware of this effective, topical treatment.

jagniiife® ieg & Back main oelief Cream combines seven active ingredient­si Colocynthi­s to relieve burning pains and tingling sensations. This product is not intended to treat or cure sciaticai but can relieve painful symptoms. “It provided me with the only relief for my sciatica.” - jary.

jagniiife® ieg & Back main oelief Cream is sold at CVSI talgreensi oite Aid and Amazon. lrder risk free for $19.99 +$R.9R p&e for a 4 oz jar. det a coee jar when you order two for $P9.98 +$R.9R p&e. pend payment to: jagniiife pc-oapi ml Box 6789I jchinneyi Tu 7RM71 or call 1-800-246-9525. patisfacti­on guaranteed. lrder now at www.iegbackcre­

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