Reader's Digest

Word Power

- By Sarah Chassé

After a long dark winter, we’re ready to look on the bright side. Celebrate the first glimmer of spring with these words related to light. Once you’ve had a chance to shine, turn to the next page for answers.

1. luminary n. ('loo-muh-nair-ee)

A heat lamp.

B brilliant person.

C film projector.

2. gloaming n. ('gloh-ming)

A dawn.

B noon.

C twilight.

3. refract v. (rih-'frakt)

A bend.

B scatter.

C dim.

4. parasol n. ('pair-uh-sawl)

A glowworm.

B sunshade.

C waxy glow.

5. translucen­t adj. (tranz-'loo-sunt)

A allowing light through.

B blocking light.

C producing light.

6. scintillat­e v. ('sin-tuh-layt)

A polish until glossy.

B extinguish.

C give off sparks.

7. beacon n. ('bee-kin)

A guiding light.

B camera flash.

C sunbeam.

8. sconce n. (skonss)

A unit of electricit­y.

B light fixture.

C firework launcher.

9. incandesce­nt adj. (in-ken-'deh-sunt)

A white-hot.

B candlelit.

C reflective.

10. heliotropi­c adj. (hee-lee-oh-'troh-pik)

A turning toward the sun.

B tan.

C near the equator.

11. diurnal adj. (dy-'er-null)

A in a shaded area.

B twice a day.

C active in daytime.

12. fox fire n. (fox 'fy-er)

A controlled burn.

B glow from a fungus.

C explosion in battle.

13. filament n. ('fih-luh-ment)

A flickering ember.

B wire in a light bulb.

C constellat­ion.

14. spectrum n. ('spek-trum)

A total eclipse.

B band of colors.

C light transmitte­d by a cable wire.

15. effulgent adj. (ih-'full-jent)

A flashing intermitte­ntly.

B fading to black.

C shining brilliantl­y.

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