Reader's Digest

Word Power ANSWERS


1. coif (B) hairdo. Even on a windy day, Zack’s slicked-back coif doesn’t budge an inch.

2. awry (A) off course. Our plans for a large wedding went awry because of the pandemic, so we had a private ceremony instead.

3. bilk (C) cheat. The hedge fund attempted to bilk investors out of millions of dollars.

4. udon (C) Japanese Hiro’s restaurant noodles. serves udon in a savory broth, topped with steamed vegetables.

5. rapt (B) deeply The rapt absorbed. audience was mesmerized by the violin solo.

6. coda (A) final passage. “What a fitting coda to a terrible day—my tire is flat!” Sloane grumbled.

7. laud (B) praise. Students and colleagues alike lauded Mr. Ortiz at his retirement party.

8. ecru (C) beige. “Should I paint my kitchen ecru or a bright green?” Emil asked.

9. deft (B) masterful. Known for her threepoint shooting and deft handling of the basketball, Paige was named rookie of the year.

10. lynx (A) wildcat. The lynx stalked its prey, ready to pounce.

11. oust (C) force out. After the fundraisin­g scandal, Isabelle was ousted from the PTA.

12. iota (B) tiny amount. “Algebra has never made one iota of sense to me,” Jed said with a shrug.

13. vile (B) foul. That vile odor can mean only one thing—grandma burned the cabbage soup again.

14. espy (A) catch sight

If you’re sitting on the of. right side of the plane, you can espy the Statue of Liberty just after takeoff.

15. brig (B) temporary The captain handcuffed jail. the stowaway and escorted her to the brig.

Vocabulary Ratings

9 & Below: good form 10–12: well done 13–15: pure gold

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