Reader's Digest

LAUGHTER The best Medicine


Little Johnny and his friend Tommy were on their very first train ride. A vendor selling concession­s came by, and Tommy’s mother bought each child a candy bar.

Johnny eagerly tore into his just as the train went into a tunnel. When the train emerged, Johnny saw that Tommy was still struggling with the wrapper.

“I wouldn’t eat that if I were you,” Johnny said to Tommy.

“Why not?” asked Tommy.

“Because I took one bite and went blind for half a minute.” —Innerworks­

I’ve created an app to help with insomnia. It lets you talk to other really boring people until you fall asleep. It’s online sedating. —Jon Harvey, comedian

Season to Taste

✦ Spices were first brought to Europe in the Middle Ages, and some of them are still at the back of my cupboard.

— @craiguito

✦ I switched the labels on all my wife’s spices. I’m not in trouble yet, but the thyme is cumin.

—Submitted by

Justin Mitchell

Denver, Colorado

Start each day with a positive thought, like “I can go back to bed in about 16 hours.”

— @Abbyhasiss­ues

A priest, a minister, and a rabbit walk into a blood bank. The rabbit says, “I think I might be a type O.”

—Submitted by Vincent Gottschalk

Dallas, Texas

A wealthy businessma­n liked to show his party guests his pool and

say, “If you swim a lap, I will give you $10 million, half of my estate, or my daughter’s hand in marriage. But there’s a shark in the pool.”

One day as he said this, there was a loud splash. A man swam a lap of the pool and got out just as the shark thudded into the wall.

“So, would you like $10 million?”

“No,” the man said. “Half of my estate?” “No,” the man said. “Ah! You want to marry my daughter.”

“No! I want the name of the man who pushed me in!” —

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“A tattoo? You’re kidding. It sure like a suit.”
looks “A tattoo? You’re kidding. It sure like a suit.”

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