Reader's Digest

Lower Stress with the Help of a Friend


We often think of “fight or flight” as the common response to stress. But, according to a University of Illinois study, many women also use a strategy that researcher­s call “tend and befriend.” That is, they are likely to turn to a caring female friend to talk about a problem, which successful­ly lowers their cortisol levels— and as a result, their stress. While this strategy is associated more with women, it can help men as well. In fact, studies from the University of California, Berkeley, and a group of internatio­nal researcher­s suggest that male animals that form strong social bonds increase levels of oxytocin— sometimes called

“the cuddle hormone” because it’s released in the brain when we connect emotionall­y. So the next time you feel stressed, call a friend. It might help you feel better, short-term and long.

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