Reader's Digest

A Grateful Gathering


medium Kevin and Danielle—along with their 10-year-old twins, Emma and Nina— are having Thanksgivi­ng dinner with Danielle’s parents, Henry and Sophie. All are giving thanks, but each for something different. From the following clues, can you work out who is thankful for what?

Things they’re grateful for: their health, their family, their dog, this meal, their job and their home.


✦ Both Henry and Sophie are retired.

✦ The person thankful for their home is the mother of the person thankful for their family.

✦ The person thankful for their health is married to the person thankful for the feast in front of them. ✦ Nina is thankful for their spirited schnauzer. ✦ What Henry is thankful for cannot be insured.

easy In this maze, start on the black square in the top left corner and end on the black square in the lower right corner as you follow these rules:

1. You can move up, down or sideways, but not diagonally.

2. The cell you move to must contain the same shape (square or circle), the same shade (black or white), or both the same shape and shade as the cell you’re currently on. For example, if you’re on a white circle, you can move to an adjacent cell containing a white circle, a black circle or a white square, but not a black square. Can you find the path?

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