Reader's Digest



Sometimes when we go on vacation, we remember to pack everything but our good sense. Here are a few questionab­le questions tour guides at vacation hot spots have had to field. ✦ Does the sun set every night? ✦ Are the Amish in season? ✦ When do they turn off the waterfalls?

✦ How many miles of undiscover­ed caves are there?

✦ Why is the Closed for Cleaning sign on the restroom? ✦ How come all of the war’s battles were fought in national parks? ✦ Why don’t you have better marking in the places where trails do not exist?

✦ Is that the same moon we see in Vermont?

✦ If it rains, will the fireworks be held inside?

✦ What is the altitude? (on a boat passing through the fjords of Alaska’s Inside Passage)

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