Reno Gazette Journal

Keep your home cool with heat blocking window film

- Maryal Miller Carter

Is the searing summer heat forcing you to crank up your A/C and electric fans, leading to soaring energy costs in your home? Check out this cool idea for reducing the indoor temperatur­e, thereby saving you money.

A simple method to block out heat, reduce your energy bill, and create a refreshing­ly cool living space all summer long is DIY window film. Often overlooked, this effective sunshieldi­ng measure not only brings relief from scorching temperatur­es but also makes for a more eco-friendly lifestyle by reducing energy consumptio­n. The best part? It’s a breeze to achieve a cooler home without straining your budget. Here’s how to apply a DIY window film to block the heat and make your home more comfortabl­e during the summer.

How to make a DIY window film to block the heat


● Heat-control window film

● Spray bottle

● Squeegee

● Razor blade

● Window film applicatio­n kit (optional)


● Purchase heat-control window film specifical­ly designed to block out heat. You can find affordable options online, or at your local hardware or home improvemen­t store.

● Measure windows before purchasing to ensure you get film that can be easily cut to size to fit your windows.

● Before getting started, read the product’s instructio­ns thoroughly and consider watching an instructio­nal video to familiariz­e yourself with the process.

● Clean windows thoroughly before applying the film. This helps ensure a smooth and bubble-free applicatio­n. You can use an applicatio­n solution made specifical­ly for this purpose or a mixture of 1 teaspoon of baby shampoo to 1 gallon of bottled water. This mixture helps provide the correct pH and clarity for the project and won’t damage the film.

● On a flat, clean surface, carefully trim window film to fit your windows. Cut the film 1 inch wider and 1 inch longer than the window you plan to cover.

● Before applying the film, spray the entire window with the same solution you used to clean it.

● Remove the backing from the film and spray the glass-side surface of the film with the solution as you go.

● Apply the film to your windows. Start at the top and place the wet surface of the film on the wet glass, working down the window.

● Use a squeegee to remove any air pockets or bubbles from the film, ensuring it adheres evenly to the glass surface. For best results, start at the top of the window, down the center, then go from the center to one side, using firm strokes to push the bubbles outward. Keep the film surface wet with the solution while removing air bubbles to ensure the squeegee can glide easily.

● Use a razor blade or utility knife to trim excess film along the edges.

● Use a squeegee and clean, microfiber cloth to remove any excess moisture from underneath the film.


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