Reno Gazette Journal

Dr. John Douglas Andrews Jr.


RENO - John Douglas Andrews, Jr. passed away suddenly on the morning of March 11, 2024. He was at home with his beloved wife and partner of twenty-two years, Nancy Prahm.

John was born in Ohio in 1948 to Winifred and John Andrews. He attended college at Stanford University, earned his MD from USC in 1975, and devoted his life to medicine. Beloved by patients and colleagues alike, he was a brilliant doctor, dedicated to the last day.

John leaves behind a legacy of memories and laughter,earningthe­titles“80’sWolf”,“Johnny Boy”, and “the Android” from family and friends. The life of the party, he reveled in song and dance at every occasion, often by himself. Outbursts of “Hey Jude” frequently filled the house along with spontaneou­s Christmas carols in the midst of summer. He loved nothing more than regaling family and friends with stories and jokes. His infectious laugh and unwavering smile were a testament to his boundless happiness.

Affectiona­tely known as “Pop-Pop”, John cherished his eight grandchild­ren, who he delighted in teaching and entertaini­ng. “Knowledge is power,” he would quip while sharing his vast wealth of knowledge about, literally, everything. Alexander, Ava, Kinsley, Christian, Madeline, Clare, Charlotte, and Theodore will forever be better for having grown up with a grandpa like Pop-Pop.

His children, Liz and Jack, remember him fondly. Dad took them camping, taught them to play ping pong, and quizzed them on their state capitals at dinner nightly. Dad took them on adventures, travels, and road trips, and (almost never) got lost. They will miss him always being there for medical or life advice, his cooking, and his jokes- even that one about the goat.

John and Nancy’s love was one of adventure and laughter. They found joy in life’s every pleasure, from growing vegetables in their garden, to competing on the golf course, to embarking on journeys across the globe. Beyond this beautiful life they shared together, their greatest source of happiness stemmed from the family they created. Nancy’s happiness was John’s happiness, and she will forever feel the magnitude of his love in her heart.

Pop-Pop was a loving husband, dad, and grandfathe­r. In addition to his grandchild­ren, children, and wife, he is survived by his father-in-law Richard Prahm, his ex-wife Gayle Hurd, his sister Jennifer Ballard, and his niece Carlyn Crawford. His son-in-law Richard Cooper and soon-to-be daughter-in-law Dixie Griffin. His stepdaught­er Jennifer Torres and her husband Chito, stepson Daniel Winston and his wife Hannah, and stepson Ben Winston and partner Brittany Wiley. And, of course, his two extremely needy German shepherds.

John was an avid golfer and never shied away from competing with, or pranking, his closest friends. He often said, “Some of us are on the front nine, some of us are on the back nine, and others are on the 19th hole making that last putt. You never know.”

We love you Pop-Pop, Dad, 80’s Wolf, Johnny Boy, John. We’ll see you on the 19th hole.

His celebratio­n of life will be at Montreux Country Club on June 1st, 2024.

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