Rolling Stone

Real-life advice from guy who’s seen, done, and survived just about everything

- PHOTOGRAPH BY Griffin Lotz ASK CROZ GOT A QUESTION FOR CROZ? Email AskCroz@Rollingsto­

I have been clean from cocaine and heroin for a year, and I think I can start smoking some pot. What’s a good strain to keep from getting back on the coke and smack?

—Mark, Alamosa, CO As if there were a strain for that, you nincompoop! Coke and heroin take you over the way fire takes over a building. For me, it was 10 years before the slip dreams stopped and I was pretty sure it wasn’t snapping at my heels anymore — and I waited almost five years after that before I smoked pot. Give yourself some time with sobriety.

What advice would you give about living with the existentia­l dread of being a hippie in America? I’m as gentle as Mister Rogers, but because of my appearance and the associatio­ns it brings, I’ve faced intimidati­on in certain situations.

—Carl Thomas Hriczak, Niagara Falls, NY Have any black friends? They’ll tell you all about it. I think it’s very educationa­l for a white person in the American scene to be treated like a second-class citizen. Rather than resenting it or trying to avoid it, you should experience and learn from it.

I’m a professor at a small liberal-arts college. A beautiful young woman in my class was very flirty with me throughout the semester, and now the class is over. Would I be a fool to invite her to dinner?

—Name Withheld You’re holding all the power. It bends the relationsh­ip. And, to use an old expression, don’t shit where you eat. It’ll compromise your relationsh­ip with that student, and with all your other students, who are watching and will know. If you’re a teacher, you have a role to play. It doesn’t involve taking someone out and trying to get her in bed.

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