Rolling Stone




LONG BEFORE #VANLIFE was a thing and Jerry Garcia played his first guitar, the Volkswagen microbus rolled off German assembly lines in 1950. Roomy enough to pack with surfboards, camping gear, or festival-going flower children, it became an icon of the countercul­ture movement before disappeari­ng from U.S. showrooms in 1979. But now, the VW Bus is roaring back — silently. In 2022, Volkswagen plans to begin producing a plug-in electric model, based on the I.D. Buzz concept vehicle shown here, which mimics the original van’s monolithic, overhang-free look and boasts tech upgrades including wraparound ambient LED lighting, and near-autonomous driving features. A huge battery will provide enough juice for the Bus to travel up to 300 miles on a single charge, and it will take an 80 percent charge in a half hour via a DC fast charger (you’ll need to map out those stations before hitting the road to trail Phish). Unlike the anemic models of the past, which made highway on-ramps harrowing, the plug-in Bus will produce 369 horsepower — that’s more than 15 times that of the OG van, more akin to a muscle car. And the electric powertrain will enable not just a “frunk,” or front trunk, as in the Fifties-era models (which housed an engine in the back), but plenty of interior flexibilit­y. Since the I.D. Buzz’s battery hides in the floor and the two electric motors sit at the axles, the cabin space above is rife with possibilit­ies: The concept vehicle features seats that can be moved around on rails to face each other, turn into tables, or fold flat. It’s more like a living room than a car. “We want to guarantee that you can sleep in it,” says Klaus Bischoff, Volkswagen’s chief designer, who drove and camped in a classic Bus during high school. “The Type 2 moved a generation and became a part of music and pop culture. We had that in mind — striving to build something soulful. This technology will help us realize that.” Pricing hasn’t been announced, but VW has stated that it won’t stray far from similar, convention­ally powered vehicles. Some analysts have speculated it will start around $50,000. J.W.

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