Rolling Stone

Real-life advice from a guy who’s seen, done, and survived just about everything


My husband has lost all interest in sex and has told me I’m free to go out and be with other men. He says it’s merely physical and swears he will not care. Should I take him up on the offer? After all, I do have his permission. —Anonymous, MD

It doesn’t friggin’ matter. You can’t love someone if you can’t trust them. That means you can’t go out and screw around. I’ve been married for 44 years. I have never screwed around, not once, ever. I firmly believe that if you say those vows, you better mean them. You shouldn’t mess around with anyone else at any time. If you do, your husband is never going to trust you again, no matter what he says.

I’m roughly your age, and I’ve survived a few medical scares. They’ve left deep scars, and I feel like my clock is ticking. Death is on my mind all the time, and I find it hard to enjoy life. How can us old people enjoy the time we have left?

—Chad, TN

The question isn’t how much time you have; the question is what you’re going to do with it. If you agonize over the fact that you’re going to die, you’re wasting it. If you spend that time helping other people, making new things, making anything better for anybody, then the time that you have left, whatever amount it is, will be well spent. You may die tomorrow, but you’ve got today. So why don’t you use the heck out of it?

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