Rolling Stone

Real-life advice from a guy who’s seen, done, and survived just about everything


My older brother uses racial slurs, supports Trump, and is even anti-vax. My husband says he cannot be around our young children. What should I do?

— Juanita Jenkins, Pittsburgh

I would take a pass on your older brother. You choose your husband. You didn’t choose your older brother. The kids are more important. If he can’t behave himself and is publicly racist, you can’t have him around your kids. Your husband is right. I don’t envy your situation, the kids are more important. That’s what you have to look at.

I met a great guy and we’ve been dating for the last six months, but he loves to hunt and even told me he wants to travel to Africa one day and kill an elephant! Is it wrong to dump him simply over this?

—Beth Kaminsky, Atlanta

No. Anybody that trophy hunts is not good enough for you, darling. Trophy hunters have a real moral disconnect. They’re shooting them just for the pleasure of being able to say they killed something bigger than them. I personally would like to offer bounties on people who do that and have other people hunt them. You’re a shithead if you trophy hunt. I cannot abide that.

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