Rome News-Tribune

Exercise floor show detracts from visits with relatives


Dear Abby: When my husband and I go to visit my mother (in another city) every other month or so, my brother and his wife insist on coming over to see us while we’re there. Our visits usually last two or three days.

Many times when they come over, my sister-inlaw will start doing her exercise routine, including floor exercises, which are, in my husband’s and my opinion, unbecoming and inappropri­ate to do in front of other people.

How do we deal with this? Are we crazy to feel awkward when she’s lying on her back doing these pelvic thrusts? Would it be out of line to ask her NOT to do this in the future?

My brother says, “She won’t listen to me, so it wouldn’t do any good to talk to her,” so we know talking to her won’t help. What do you suggest?

— Feeling Awkward

Dear Feeling Awkward: Here’s how I’d handle it. Talk to her anyway, and ask her to please refrain from doing these exercises in your presence because it makes you uncomforta­ble. But if that doesn’t work and she starts “performing,” stand up and say, “Hey, folks. Let’s go out for a walk (or coffee, or a sandwich),” and put an end to her bid for attention that way.

Dear Abby: My boyfriend will have “scheduled” sex with me — only after he has had his shower in the evening or in the morning. Every once in a while I get lucky and am able to stop by after work and have a quickie. It’s driving me crazy.

I have tried many ways to get him to have sex spontaneou­sly, but he won’t budge. It’s starting to be a turn-off because it’s not the “right time.” What do I do? — Looser Than That

In Detroit

Dear Looser: Your boyfriend may have a touch of OCD, or need to feel “in control” when he has sex. In other words, if the encounter is not his idea and at the time he chooses, he doesn’t get turned on.

There’s help for him if he’s willing to admit there “may” be a problem. But if he isn’t, then find yourself another fella because nothing is likely to change.

Frank and Ernest

Born Loser



Snuffy Smith

Beetle Bailey


Mike Du Jour

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