Rome News-Tribune

An overcoming faith

- E. LEE PHILLIPS GUEST COLUMNIST E. Lee Phillips, a minister and author, works in Floyd County.

Sooner or later we all have to come to terms with our limitation­s. We often have plans when we are young and make commitment­s to serve God one way or another, then life happens. Illness comes or joblessnes­s or ruptured relationsh­ips. Harry Emerson Fosdick referred to it as making do with life’s second best.

All her youth, Linda planned to become a medical missionary. She wanted to serve the Lord taking the gospel to sick people where medical care is rare. Alas, that was never to be because Linda became the victim of chronic disease that would not let go. Try as she may, there was always another operation, another setback, more hospitaliz­ation. She had to face the fact that her original dream could not come true. She decided to do the best she could from where she was. She would not serve God as a doctor, but as a patient. She is a vibrant, cheerful person; God’s love radiates from her presence.

The Apostle, Paul had the experience of having to live with what he called “A thorn in the flesh.” There was no way around it. There was so much he wanted to do, but only so far he could go. His writings are among the finest theology this world has ever known, his love chapter is without peer.

Paul found God saying to him:

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. I will all the more gladly boast of my weakness that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (2 Corinthian­s 12:9)

The business of coping with what you don’t want shows the mettle of the person. It can build strong character. Some people give up and you and I have known them, they expect someone or some program will rescue them. Others become bitter, their attitude goes before them.

Many a bitter soul is so angry with God over the loss of a loved one that they abandon the church as if to say God abandoned me. Others determine that come what may, they will give to life the best that they have. It may not be in perfect health or with very much money, but they will not be stopped. They feel God will show the way when they cannot find the way. As one lady I knew put it, “God can do what we can’t”. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and steady prayer, God can take broken pieces and shattered dreams and enable the sufferer through faith to overcome. I believe this with all my heart, do you?

I can’t begin to tell you, as a minister, the number of lives I’ve seen who adopted a fighting faith. I’ve seen those for whom getting from room to room seemed almost too much. Many wound up in nursing homes. And many knew rejection and grief. But they all had one thing in common. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthen­s me.” (Philippian­s 4:13)

One young lady was in a wheelchair. Another lady said to her, “Suffering does so color life.” She replied: “And I propose to choose the color!”

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