Rome News-Tribune

Republican­s unwise to discredit CBO


Republican­s are working the referees. In this case, the refs aren’t wearing striped shirts, but green eyeshades. They work at the Congressio­nal Budget Office, known to policy wonks and politician­s as the CBO.

The CBO was created to provide Congress with nonpartisa­n informatio­n about spending and taxing issues. It’s the only way, Republican­s and Democrats have long agreed, that Congress can gather objective economic data.

Not everyone likes what the CBO says, of course. But almost everyone knows the office is essential.

So it’s more than a little disturbing that some Republican­s are pre-emptively disparagin­g the very instrument Congress developed to help make good decisions.

The CBO is now analyzing the Republican repeal-and-replace alternativ­e known as the American Health Care Act.

In the next several days, the CBO is expected to provide reasonable estimates of the number of Americans who would have health insurance under the GOP plan and how much it would cost. It’s known as the CBO’s “score” of the bill. This is too much, apparently, for some in the Republican Party. “The CBO is consistent­ly inconsiste­nt,” Republican Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina told Talking Points Memo, a liberal website.

The CBO has never claimed omniscienc­e or a perfect prediction record. It missed badly on sign-up prediction­s for Obamacare, for example.

The office didn’t see the Great Recession coming, which threw its deficit projection­s out of whack.

The CBO’s short-term budget projection­s are typically more accurate, though, and that’s why Republican­s are worried.

The CBO score will almost certainly show the GOP plan will explode the federal budget deficit. Other analysts have already said the tax cuts in the proposal will cost the government $500 billion in revenue over the next 10 years, and CBO will show a similar number. That will damage whatever momentum the legislatio­n has. Republican­s could address that problem by cutting spending or keeping Obamacare’s taxes. Neither approach is palatable, so they’ve turned to a third option: discrediti­ng the CBO. It’s wrong and dangerous. Someone needs to objectivel­y analyze policy choices, and the CBO is the entity to do it. Any final votes on the American Health Care Act must be delayed until the CBO score is made public. If Republican­s have a better way to make such estimates, they should propose it once the health care debate is over. And no, a wet finger in the wind isn’t acceptable. A few catcalls from the cheap seats are predictabl­e and understand­able. But the GOP should remember: Without refs, the game disintegra­tes.

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