Rome News-Tribune

Trump signals openness to Democrats

- By Hope Yen Associated Press

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Sunday attacked conservati­ve lawmakers for the failure of the Republican bill to replace former President Barack Obama’s health care law, as aides signaled a greater willingnes­s to work with moderate Democrats on upcoming legislativ­e battles from the budget and tax cuts to health care.

On Twitter, Trump complained: “Democrats are smiling in D.C. that the Freedom Caucus, with the help of Club For Growth and Heritage, have saved Planned Parenthood & Ocare!”

The Freedom Caucus is a hardright group of more than 30 GOP House members who were largely responsibl­e for blocking the bill to undo the Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare.” The bill was pulled from the House floor Friday in a President Donald Trump humiliatin­g political defeat for the president, having lacked support from either the conservati­ve Republican­s or Democrats.

In additional fallout from Friday’s jarring setback, Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, said he was leaving the caucus. Poe was one of the few group members to declare support for the legislatio­n.

“We must come together to find solutions to move this country forward,” Poe said Sunday in a written statement. “Saying no is easy, leading is hard but that is what we were elected to do.”

Trump initially focused his blame on Democrats for the failure and predicted a dire future for the current law.

But on Sunday, his aides made clear that Trump would be seeking support from moderate Democrats, leaving open the possibilit­y he could still revisit health care legislatio­n. White House chief of staff Reince Priebus scolded conservati­ve Republican­s, explaining that Trump had felt “disappoint­ed” that a “number of people he thought were loyal to him that weren’t.”

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