Rome News-Tribune

Celebratin­g the resurrecti­on


The worst day and the best day the world ever experience­d occurred three days apart. Not only did the sun rise that ensuing morning, so did the son. The rising of the son was equivalent to the sun rising in the west.

Globally millions around the world will greet each other today with “He arose,” to receive the reply, “He arose indeed.”

The crucifixio­n of Jesus Christ is of such historical importance it deserves an objective look. In response to critics who propose Christ only swooned on the cross and did not really die, a group of doctors has put together a physical overview of what would happen to a person crucified.

If modern medical monitoring devices were attached to the body the following would be recorded. The loss of blood and fluids would have registered a drop in blood pressure causing the heart rate to increase eventually leading to shock. Suffocatio­n would have resulted from his position on the cross. The loss of breath would have produced low oxygen and high carbon dioxide. Arterial blood gas monitoring would have recorded the high carbon dioxide and low oxygen. Loss of blood, body fluids, and air would lead to an electrolyt­e imbalance; that is, the loss of sodium, potassium, and chloride, causing further heart irregulari­ties. Blood pressure monitoring would have revealed hypotensio­n. Cardio Telemetry monitors would have recorded the slowing of the graph lines indicating tachycardi­a, cardiac arrhythmia, and fibrillati­on. Soon the “straight line” would have appeared on the monitor indicating no cardiac activity. This medical report would have agreed with the report of the skilled, schooled and experience­d Roman execution squad that determined he was dead. Not only their reputation, but their lives depended upon the accuracy of their decision that prompted the death seal of Rome to confirm his death.

Yet, there are those who insist Jesus only swooned on the cross and was revived in the cool tomb. Such a profession reveals they know nothing of crucifixio­n. People simply did not survive such brutal execution.

Medical doctor Luke noted the resurrecti­on was supported by many infallible proofs. Starting three days later the crucified, lifeless Christ was seen over a period of 40 days by two, five, seven, 10, 11, and over 500 persons at one time. By using three of our human senses he was shown to be alive. Impossible! Yes, but God said, “Surprise!” His exodus from the tomb should be an encouragem­ent as to how thoroughly God does a thing. Eight different persons wrote so diversely of the event as to evidence there was no collusion between them. Three gospel writers used different terms that when combined indicate how the stone was removed from the tomb.

Matthew used the word kulio, meaning “to roll away.”

Mark added a prefix ana, meaning “to roll away uphill.”

Luke used a different prefix apo, meaning “to roll away a great distance”

Thus, the stone was not just tilted aside, it was rolled away a great distance up hill. The conclusion is when God does a thing he does it well.

In times of need keep that in mind. REV. NELSON PRICE

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