Rome News-Tribune

Administra­tion of billionair­es and dark-money minions

- From St. Louis Post-Dispatch

The torrent of financial disclosure forms that the White House released March 31 confirms it: The Trump administra­tion is the wealthiest in history. The combined net worth of the Cabinet members and President Donald Trump’s top advisers exceeds $12 billion.

Wealth in itself is not the issue, except that in some places, Trump is still regarded as a “populist.” An administra­tion packed with plutocrats is not in the best position to empathize with the problems of average Americans.

There are the dozens of nouveau riche administra­tion minions who come from the world of political consulting. They’re only millionair­es, not billionair­es, but they come from the “dark money” world where they did the bidding of secretive billionair­es. They are the spawn of the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision, the one that opened the door for unlimited corporate donations to political campaigns.

Public financial disclosure­s are now public for about 180 administra­tion staff members. Anyone earning $161,755 or more and those holding “commission­s of appointmen­t” from the president are obliged to list their holdings at the time of appointmen­t. Many took massive income cuts to work for the government, which is admirable. But when they go back to the consulting world, they’ll make it up. And then some.

Citizens United “has been a bonanza for the consulting class,” Walter Shapiro, a fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice, told The New York Times. “And in this era of dark money, people have gotten very, very rich.”

This is not a new phenomenon. Republican­s and Democrats alike have long known that working in government can be a ticket to wealth in the influence-peddling business. What’s different now is how much money is out there.

So a well-placed lawyer like Donald F. McGahn can bill clients like the National Rifle Associatio­n, the Koch brothers’ Americans for Prosperity and Citizens United $2.4 million in 2016 and then slide into a job as Trump’s White House counsel. And he’ll be the guy who rules on the ethical conflicts of the rest of the staff.

So the administra­tion proposes gutting clean air and water rules that average Americans count on. It attacks the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that keeps average Americans from being ripped off by banks and mortgage companies. It supported a bill that would have eliminated health insurance for 24 million non-wealthy Americans.

Trump is no populist. He’s the plutocrat in chief.

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