Rome News-Tribune

Business owners see need to change their ways

- By Joyce M. Rosenberg Associated Press Business Writer

NEW YORK — The results of a staff survey jolted Alex Slater into realizing how drasticall­y his business needed a culture change.

About half the 19 employees at his Clyde Group public relations firm said they planned to leave in one to two years, and rated the environmen­t as “average” or “needs improvemen­t.” No one agreed with the statement: “I am adequately compensate­d.”

“It was a big, almost shocking, learning moment for me where I realized that I had been doing it wrong,” said Slater, who undertook the anonymous survey in 2015 after three staffers said they were leaving the Washington, D.C., firm. What he read was painful.

“A lot of this was personal on my part,” Slater said. “I really had to change my management style.”

That moment of truth is one that many small-business owners experience as their companies evolve. In some cases, the culture that worked for a startup is a bad fit for a more establishe­d, larger business. Owners in their 40s or 50s may have a

different approach than younger staffers, making for an unhappy workforce.

And when owners do see that there’s a problem, human resources consultant­s say, it takes a lot of listening and adapting to shift from a culture that turns employees off to one that motivates them.

Slater’s staffers, particular­ly employees in their 20s and 30s, said they were afraid to make mistakes for fear of being criticized, believed they couldn’t disagree with the boss and felt they had to work 60-hour weeks. Slater admits that yes, he chastised staffers, and would send emails to employees at night and on weekends and expect a reply.

“The old rules were going to end up literally jeopardizi­ng the future of our business,” he said.

After Clyde Group brought in a consultant, the culture changed. Forty-hour weeks are now the norm, Slater said. If someone makes a mistake, the company’s process is to learn from it. Staffers at all levels are asked for input on running the company. In a follow-up staff survey in 2016, 85 percent described Clyde Group as a fantastic place to work, he said.

It starts at the top

Culture issues at small companies often start with owners or CEOs who are complacent, self-absorbed or too set in their ways, human resources consultant­s say.

“A lot of CEOs have the mentality of, ‘Here’s the stuff that I did to get here, so everyone else should work the same way,’” said Brian Kropp, head of the human resources practice at CEB, a consulting firm with headquarte­rs in Arlington, Virginia. “When people deviate from that form, or want to do it a different way, the expectatio­n of CEOs is, you’re doing it the wrong way.”

Moreover, office culture and employee needs are often a lower priority than trying to bring in business or develop new products and services.

“Owners wear so many hats and are so busy doing the business that they may not have time for some of the softer-skill things,” said Patti Perkins, owner ofCalyx-Weaver&Associ- ates, a human resources consulting firm based in Eagle, Idaho.

Often an owner’ s epiph-any comes because there’s a crisis, Perkins said. Staffers aren’t getting along, productivi­ty falls or there’s an exodus of employees.

Growing pains

At data analysis firm Summit Consulting, new business was pouring in but the fast-growing company was losing staffers and couldn’t hire fast enough. Managers took a harder look at people’s comments from their exit interviews. They realized the Washington, D.C., company wasn’t clearly organized, had poor internal communicat­ion and was a frustratin­g place to work, said Jennifer Folsom, the director of corporate developmen­t.

Summit Consulting was still operating with a startup culture even though it was 10 years old and had 50 employees, Folsom said. Important jobs like chief financial officer and human resources director were being done parttime by employees who had other assignment­s.

The solution was implementi­ng clear tiers and teams, and hiring fulltime managers to handle finances and human resources. The company also improved its retirement plan and other benefits. As a result, Summit Consulting now has about 100 staffers, and it takes less than a month to hire someone rather than about six months.

 ?? Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP ?? Alex Slater of Clyde Group is hit with Nerf darts by his employees. After a consultant was brought in, most now describe Clyde as a fantastic place to work, Slater says.
Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP Alex Slater of Clyde Group is hit with Nerf darts by his employees. After a consultant was brought in, most now describe Clyde as a fantastic place to work, Slater says.

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