Rome News-Tribune

We all lose when gerrymande­ring leads to lopsided representa­tion

- From St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Much of the deadlock and partisan hostility in Congress results from voting districts drawn to cut down on the number of swing districts and increase the number of landslide districts in favor of the party drawing the boundaries. Political parties compete in swing districts, but not in landslide districts. That encourages candidates in landslide districts to move to extremes to satisfy people who are passionate about specific issues and vote in the primaries.

This makes for increasing­ly lopsided politics and is bad for participat­ory democracy. The prospect of party entrenchme­nt increases with each voting cycle. Partisan extremes inevitably contribute to greater polarizati­on and diluted voter power for the minority party. A Pew Research Center study says the 113th Congress was second only to the 112th in being the least productive in modern history. The main reason? Gerrymande­red districts created after the 2010 census tied Congress in knots.

The Supreme Court has never imposed limits on the practice of drawing partisan legislativ­e districts, although it has struck down voting districts as racial gerrymande­rs. In several cases concerning legislativ­e maps, the justices have said that packing black voters into a few districts dilutes their voting power in violation of the Constituti­on.

The court will consider in the fall whether partisan gerrymande­ring violates the Constituti­on in an appeal of a decision that struck down the legislativ­e map for Wisconsin, drawn by the state assembly after Republican­s gained control of state government in 2010.

New voting maps are drawn every decade, following the census. The public might think mapmakers aim for even population distributi­on when drawing districts, but that’s not how it’s done. In the Wisconsin case before the Supreme Court, the math manipulati­on and formulas used to figure out how Republican­s could capture 60 percent of the Legislatur­e’s 99 seats, while getting less than half the statewide vote, looks like an equation in quantum mechanics.

A three-judge federal panel struck down the map and agreed with the plaintiffs’ allegation that the Republican mapmakers had engaged in “cracking” and “packing” the districts. Cracking means to divide a party’s supporters among multiple districts so that they fall short of a majority in each one, and packing means to concentrat­e a party’s backers in a few districts that they win by overwhelmi­ng margins.

Regardless of which side emerges dominant when voting districts are gerrymande­red, the gridlock crippling Congress and diluted voter representa­tion only helps diminish public confidence in our democracy.

When that happens, everyone loses. Mike Lester, Washington Post Writers Group

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