Rome News-Tribune

A ‘thank you’ for the dress code


From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

America’s relations with Russia have been driven off the front pages in recent days by the violence in Charlottes­ville, Virginia, and President Donald Trump’s reaction to it, but the state of relations with Russia remains critical.

Troops are still lined up on both sides of the NATO-Russiaand-allies’ border. Scheduled military exercises are looming.

In late December, President Barack Obama ordered the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats and the seizure of two Russian Embassy installati­ons as retributio­n for Russia’s interventi­on in America’s 2016 elections. That would normally have provoked on the Russians’ part comparable retaliator­y measures. They didn’t, presumably because Russian President Vladimir Putin expected better relations with the incoming government of Trump and thought to prime that pump by not reacting to Obama’s expulsions.

By the summer, the sugar had not yet started to flow from Washington in reflection of the cozier relations Putin had expected. In the last week of July, both the U.S. House and Senate approved a new round of sweeping sanctions against Russia by veto-proof margins. Putin struck back on July 28. It was a standard reaction plus some, obliging America’s diplomatic and consular installati­ons in Russia to reduce their staffs by 755, many of them Russian employees. Russia also seized control of two U.S. diplomatic properties, a warehouse and a recreation­al center.

These developmen­ts took place against a background of increasing­ly intense investigat­ions into Russia interventi­ons in the 2016 elections. The three inquiries — one led by former FBI chief Robert Mueller as a special prosecutor for the Justice Department, another by the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee and a third by the House Intelligen­ce Committee — are an increasing­ly painful subject for Trump as they probe into his own financial dealings as well as the activities of members of his family and personal aides.

On July 26, the FBI searched the Washington-area home of Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chief. It was of interest both in indicating how Mueller’s team is operating, in the potential exposure of activities involving Ukraine, Russia and Manafort that might be revealed, and the renewed public focus on U.S.-Russian relations the search prompted.

It is hard to imagine, given the political damage incurred, that the fuss generated by the Charlottes­ville affair was intended in part to distract public interest from the Russia investigat­ion, but that is what has ended up occurring. Let’s see how long it lasts.

Thank you, Principal Eric Holland, for bringing decency back into Rome High School. Your dress code is long overdue.

Before I go on, I want to make it clear that I’m not judging or criticizin­g anyone. I’m just stating the facts, and giving readers my opinion.

When I was growing up, we didn’t even think about criticizin­g our principal — like it or not, we obeyed without questionin­g them.

Coming back to decency, we didn’t have a dress code because it wasn’t necessary. To show our breasts (girls) or to show our underwear (boys), we would have been very embarrasse­d.

Most parents and some grandparen­ts never grew up in a world of decency, except for some of their parents and churches’ guidance. It all began over 60 years ago when our world began to crumble, along with families — the families Mike Lester, Washington Post Writers Group are the foundation of the world, and when they crumble, the world crumbles.

People’s ways have changed, but not God’s. It is true, the way you dress tells people what type of person you are, just like what you watch on television, what you read, who your friends are, all that you think, do and say tell what type of person you are.

Again, thank you Principal Holland, for having a decent dress code and I hope that all schools would follow these dress codes, because that’s the way they should be. Marge Smith


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