Rome News-Tribune

Let’s talk about Scrooge Throwback Thursday


Who among us is not fond of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol?” Mama. Because of the ghosts. Mama never liked the story. I enjoyed it because of the redemption of Scrooge.

A significan­t tale of the Christmas holiday, “A Christmas Carol” tells of the three ghosts who visit Scrooge on Christmas Eve. The Ghost of Christmas Past. The Ghost of Christmas Present. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.

Savoring each Christmas, I am keenly aware that the present Christmas will, of course, become great memories. Those celebrated memories will generate classic stories to be told and re-told. Memories like the time James Mooneyhan dedicated the Christmas Eve service, at First United Methodist church, to my brother, Steve Terrell.

Traditiona­lly, an Eagle Scout rang the bell at the end of their Christmas Eve service. Steve, an Eagle Scout who rang the bell decades ago, was in the Army and was stationed at Johnson Island that year. We were surprised and delighted that James would do something so thoughtful.

Arguably one of the most famous characters in English literature, Dickens’ portrays Scrooge as cold and cunning; one with a grating voice, and a stiff gait. A cold-hearted miser who despises Christmas, his last name has become synonymous with cynicism. Scrooge’s signature phrase, “Bah! Humbug!” is frequently used to express disdain.

A theory exists that Scrooge’s character is based on James Wood, a banker at Gloucester Old Bank, in London. Wood inherited the bank from his grandfathe­r, who founded it in 1716.

Wood purportedl­y visited Gloucester Docks and filled his pockets with little pieces of coal that fell off the boats being unloaded there. He wore the same old clothes for years on end.

A fellow traveler to London once made fun of Wood’s ragged clothing. Wood bet him £5 that he could withdraw £100,000 from the bank on their arrival to the city. The fellow traveler did not believe him. Wood showed the traveler that he withdrew those funds, and the traveling companion was forced to hand over the £5.

You can easily see how Scrooge’s character fits this real life English miser. James Wood died in 1836 and was buried in St. Mary de Crypt Church in Gloucester.

A very wealthy Englishman, Wood could not take his wealth with him when he died. PAM WALKER

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