Rome News-Tribune

Don’t mess with contact lens consumer rights

- By Ken McEldowney and Pete Sepp Guest Columnists

With all of the noise coming out of Washington about health care policy these days, it is understand­able if you missed another health care-related fight going on right now that impacts more than 40 million Americans. It is the fight to protect contact lens consumer rights — and Georgia Congressma­n Tom Graves has a key role in the outcome.

Consumer Action and the National Taxpayers Union are groups that don’t often find themselves on the same side of issues in Washington, but our organizati­ons have found common ground in this struggle centered on an issue of simple fairness: the right of contact lens consumers to receive their prescripti­ons from optometris­ts following eye exams so they can shop around for the best price on contact lenses.

Unlike most other healthcare profession­als, who are not allowed to sell what they prescribe, optometris­ts can issue prescripti­ons to patients and then sell them contact lenses. In fact, optometris­ts earn up to 70 percent of their revenue from the sale of contact lenses and glasses, instead of from providing eye care services. This clear conflict of interest led Congress in 2003 to pass the Fairness to Contact Lens Consumers Act, which requires optometris­ts to provide prescripti­ons to patients, without the patient having to ask. The requiremen­t was intended to ensure consumers can buy their lenses wherever they want, be it a big box store, a drugstore or an online contact lens retailer.

But in the 14 years since the FCLCA was enacted, we have seen a repeated failure of many optometris­ts to comply with the law. The problem persists to this day. A 2017 Consumer Action poll of 685 contact lens consumers found that close to one-third of respondent­s (31 percent) said they were not given a copy of their prescripti­on after a contact lens exam. And the problem is worse in minority communitie­s. Almost half of Hispanics surveyed (44 percent) said they were not given their prescripti­ons. Consumer Action’s poll also showed that 60 percent of respondent­s were still unaware of the legal requiremen­t that optometris­ts must automatica­lly provide patients a copy of their prescripti­on.

In response to reports of these repeated violations of the law, the Federal Trade Commission has proposed an update to the Contact Lens Rule, the regulation guiding implementa­tion of the FCLCA. Under the FTC’s proposal, optometris­ts would be required to obtain signed acknowledg­ments after giving consumers their prescripti­ons and to keep those acknowledg­ments on hand for three years. This is a common sense, minimallyb­urdensome requiremen­t that consumers and optometris­ts can and should support.

Unfortunat­ely, the American Optometric Associatio­n, the lobbying group representi­ng optometris­ts, and certain contact lens manufactur­ers, which both profit from the status quo, have mounted an aggressive campaign in Congress to block this important update to the Contact Lens Rule. Their latest scheme is to insert language in the appropriat­ions bill funding the FTC that essentiall­y calls on the agency to drop its proposed update. Whether or not this ploy works may soon be decided by West Virginia Senator Shelley Moore Capito and Georgia Representa­tive Tom Graves, who lead the appropriat­ions subcommitt­ees overseeing the FTC.

It is difficult to understand why Congress would intervene now. The FTC and its profession­al, nonpartisa­n staff conducted a thorough, transparen­t rule review process over a year and a half. The agency weighed arguments and data from many different entities, including the AOA. It also looked closely at research submitted by groups like ours, companies that make and sell contact lenses, ophthalmol­ogists and eye care providers who do not sell what they prescribe.

Our organizati­ons, while strange bedfellows, believe strongly that the FTC’s update to the Contact Lens Rule should be allowed to take effect as proposed. As a champion of well-functionin­g, well-regulated competitiv­e marketplac­es, Consumer Action believes the proposed update is critical to ensuring that consumers can benefit from shopping around to find the best price. The National Taxpayers Union has dedicated decades to fighting onerous regulation­s, including the FTC’s. Nonetheles­s, NTU believes the update is smart policy: providing more choices and lower costs for consumers will ultimately help government­s by easing the financial pressure on taxpayer-backed health programs.

If special-interest opponents of the FTC’s proposal have their way, it would drag Americans back into the last century and force them to suffer less convenienc­e and higher costs, with absolutely no health benefit. We hope Congress will reject this 11th hour maneuver to undermine improvemen­ts to a federal rule that actually works and that people of all ideologies can agree upon.

Forty million-plus contact lens wearers are counting on common sense from our nation’s leaders.

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