Rome News-Tribune

The sound and symbols of Easter


What meanest thou these stones? Why do we have certain symbols? What do they all mean to those who are followers of Christ? The rabbit, the eggs … from childhood until now many of us did not stop to ask why the rabbit, why the lamb, why the colored eggs, why the new outfits, why?

We cannot continue to just follow in the footsteps of our forefather­s without seeking knowledge and understand­ing. The Word says that God would not have us ignorant. He wants us to “Study to show ourselves approved.” Let us have a better understand­ing of why we do what we do under the guise of Christiani­ty. Our next Christian generation should be able to teach their children the reasons behind the “pile of rocks.”

The word Easter is related in name alone to a Pagan goddess, “Eostre.” Christians must be wise and discerning. “Prove all things, Hold fast that which is good.” We are accountabl­e for our actions to the Lord. We would be wise to just call it the Resurrecti­on season.

The Crucifix is a cross with an image of Jesus’ body hanging from it. It symbolizes the sacrifice Jesus made by allowing Himself to be killed. An empty cross — that is one without the figure of Christ crucified — reminds Christians of Jesus’ victory over death and the new life and new hope this victory brings to believers.

Purple, during Old Testament days, was one of the most expensive dyed materials WILLIE MAE SAMUEL LOCAL COLUMNIST

available. It represents royalty and wealth. The Christ Jesus represents royalty and has a Father who owns everything. We have been grafted into this family and that means that our inheritanc­e is great. Christ’s robe of royalty was snatched from him before he went to the cross. (Further explanatio­n can be found in the books of Judges, Luke and Revelation.)

White clothes mean purity. When Christ appeared in the Transfigur­ation, he was wearing white. We now associate the word with holiness. In front of many churches on the third day morning, we find the flowing white mantle on the cross indicating hope for the future, hope in the Resurrecte­d Christ, hope in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The hare and rabbits are associated with the fertility of spring because of their ability to produce many young. They were the most fertile animals our forefather­s knew. They served as symbols of the abundant new life. Spring represents newness, a new beginning, new life, new opportunit­y, a new order — the risen Savior.

There was an old practice of having newly baptized Christians wear white clothes for the season. The new clothes represent the life offered through the death and the resurrecti­on of Jesus. Candles are burned during many Easter celebratio­ns, especially the vigil and midnight services before Easter Sunday. Christians associate Jesus with the light from candles, calling him “the light of the world.” Eggs represent new life and have been a symbol of spring since ancient times. The Christians adopted the egg as an Easter symbol because of the relationsh­ip between Easter and the renewal of life. Some religions have a special blessing for the Easter eggs: “We beseech thee, O’Lord, to bestow thy benign blessing upon these eggs, to make them wholesome food for thy faithful, who gratefully partake of them in honor of the Resurrecti­on of our Lord Jesus Christ.” The eggs were given to the children as gifts in many countries. The eggs were elaboratel­y dyed and decorated. After playing with the eggs, they would then be eaten. The children would sometimes exchange the eggs with each other, and they still do. In some countries, the eggs are collected during Holy Week and eaten on Easter Sunday.

We realize the significan­ce of gift giving. Our Father gave us the greatest gift of all — his only begotten son. The lamb is a very important symbol, because it represents Jesus and relates his death to that of the lamb sacrificed on the first Passover. Christians refer to Jesus as the Lamb of God. Many people serve lamb as a part of the Easter feast. The lamb represents freedom from bondage and freedom from the bondage of sin. The precious Lamb of God is Jesus.

Many churches in Europe have the rooster on top instead of the cross. They have the rooster on the top of the church because Peter was told by Jesus in the Gospels that he would deny Christ three times and he did. Peter was later forgiven by Christ. The rooster is to remind us not to deny Christ.

Easter Sunday is a feast day, and serving lamb is the main meat for the Feast. The Scripture tells us about the Passover Feast, which celebrates the victorious coming out of the Israelites from the clutches of Pharaoh.

So go ahead and wear your new outfits and eat your eggs, just remember the reason behind it all. Let us help our family and friends know why we do what we do, during this beautiful Resurrecti­on season. Have a happy Resurrecti­on Day!

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