Rome News-Tribune

Hawks place 2 on GSC preseason team

♦ Shorter opens the season Aug. 30 against Division I FCS Samford in Birmingham.


Nemo Reddish helped his high school team reach the pinnacle of success. Now he’s getting recognized for the work he’s doing at the college level.

The Shorter University sophomore defensive back and Hawks senior wide receiver Lewis Hayes were named to the 2018 Preseason All-Gulf South Conference Team last week.

Reddish played in 10 games ODVW VHDVRQ IRU WKH +DZNV DQG ¿QLVKHG ZLWK WRWDO WDFNOHV HLJKW SDVV EUHDNXSV RQH VDFN and one intercepti­on. Head coach Zach Morrison has said he feels Reddish will have a big impact on the team this season.

Reddish has already made an impact on local football fans when he helped carry the Rome :ROYHV WR WKHLU ¿UVW HYHU VWDWH championsh­ip in 2017.

+D\HV OHG WKH WHDP ZLWK catches last season and had 801 receiving yards and four touchdowns.

The preseason honors were released along with the GSC SUHVHDVRQ SROO ZKLFK LV YRWHG on by GSC head coaches. Shorter ZDV SLFNHG WR ¿QLVK ODVW RXW of the nine teams while West Alabama was picked to win the conference after winning the title last season.

7KH +DZNV ZKR JRW WKHLU SUHVHDVRQ RI¿FLDOO\ XQGHUZD\ Saturday when players moved LQWR WKHLU GRUPV RQ FDPSXV ZLOO RSHQ WKH VHDVRQ $XJ against Division I FCS opponent Samford on the road.

The matchup with the BullGRJV ZKR SOD\ LQ WKH 6RXWKHUQ &RQIHUHQFH ZLOO EH D UHXQLRQ RI sorts as Reddish will meet up on the gridiron with his former Rome teammates Jai Creamer DQG =DFK .DGXP ZKR DUH QRZ sophomores at Samford.

The Bulldogs went 8-4 last VHDVRQ IDOOLQJ WR .HQQHVDZ 6WDWH in the playoffs.

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