Rome News-Tribune

Camp Near Chattanoog­a, Tenn. October 11 / 1863


Mrs. Mary R. Davidson

Dear Sister,

Yours of the 3rd inst. came to my hand yesterday found me only tolerable well. Suffering slightly from change of climate and water.

Today I am better.

I must own I was somewhat surprised at the receipt of your letter, but agreeable surprises produce no bad effect. I had no idea but that you had entirely forgotten me, as it had been so long since I had written to you.

But I am glad to know you have not entirely forgotten me. I have and yet love you as I love no other human being outside of my own wife and children. Perhaps you have never had sufficient evidence to prove this to you, neverthele­ss ‘tis so.

We are still in battle line before Chattanoog­a. I do not think we will advance upon the enemy owing to the natural and artificial strength of the position. Neither do I believe the enemy will advance upon us as we are very well fortified. It is possible that the enemy will advance on our left and attempt to take from us our positions on Lookout Mtn. If so there will be a short and desperate engagement and our brigade will do the fighting. I hardly anticipate this event but it may take place from the fact that the mountain commands the railroad from Memphis, the only channel of transporta­tion possible to the enemy except wagons over a rough mountain road of sixty miles.

Time must develop the issues of this campaign.

We have had three skirmishes with the enemy, got no one hurt in our company, 13 killed and wounded in our Regiment.

I suppose Paulina has forgotten me. If she will write to me I shall know she has not. If she does not I shall know she cares nothing for me.

The yankees shelled our line yesterday. One shell before its explosion cut down an apple tree in three steps of my shanty and the fragments of eight different shells flew everywhere over our regimental line but hurt no one.

Kiss Jimmy for me and give my respects to Mr. Davidson and family and to Paulina. Write soon

I am truly your brother H. Lorraine Swann

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