Rome News-Tribune

Reed, Woods on opposite ends of leaderboar­d


Patrick Reed and Tiger Woods are about as far apart as can be on the leaderboar­d after one round of WKH +HUR :RUOG &KDOOHQJH

Only they know how close they are after WKH 5\GHU &XS IDOORXW

Reed showed no sign of fatigue in his travels from Dubai to Hong Kong to the Bahamas in successive weeks, making birdie RQ WKUHH RI KLV ODVW ¿YH KROHV 7KXUVGD\ for a 7-under 65 and a share of the lead ZLWK ODWH HQWU\ 3DWULFN &DQWOD\

Woods was never under par at any point and opened with a 73, eight shots behind, WLHG IRU WK LQ DQ PDQ ¿HOG

Reed’s comments after Europe won the 5\GHU &XS VWLOO IROORZ KLP ,Q D SKRQH interview with The New York Times hours after the loss, Reed blamed Jordan Spieth for them not playing together, U.S. captain Jim Furyk for twice leaving him on the bench and he made it sound as though he was stuck with Woods as a partner in Paris.

³:H VSRNH DIWHU WKH 5\GHU &XS IRU D ORQJ period of time,” Woods said. “We talked among us and it will stay between us.” This is one time Reed held his tongue. $IWHU KLV HLJKWK DQG ILQDO ELUGLH LQ EDOP\ ZHDWKHU DW $OEDQ\ *ROI &OXE KH acknowledg­ed nothing more than they had talked.

“Whatever I talk about with other players and other guys stays between the guys,” Reed said.

He also said he hasn’t spoken to Furyk, and Reed told the New York Post on Tuesday that he hasn’t spoken to Spieth, but that Spieth has his number.

“It’s been I don’t know how many weeks VLQFH WKH 5\GHU &XS EXW LQ WKH JROI ZRUOG it’s been a long time,” Reed said.

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