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Former Model standout receives SEC honor

♦ Victaria Saxton helps South Carolina defeat Kentucky and Arkansas to be named the league’s Freshman of the Week.

- From GamecocksO­

South Carolina IRUZDUG 9LFWDULD 6D[WRQ LV ZRUNLQJ KHU ZD\ WKURXJK KHU ¿UVW VHDVRQ with the Gamecocks, and that work is getting noticed.

6D[WRQ ZKR ZDV D VWDQGRXW GXUing her high school career playing for the Model Lady Blue Devils, was announced as the SEC Freshman of the Week on Tuesday for her contributi­ons to a pair of South Carolina wins last week.

,W LV 6D[WRQ¶V ¿UVW VHOHFWLRQ IRU WKH DZDUG DQG WKH ¿UVW *DPHFRFN WR HDUQ SEC Freshman of the Week since $¶MD :LOVRQ FDSWXUHG WKH DZDUG ¿YH times during the 2014-15 season.

6D[WRQ DYHUDJHG SRLQWV DQG 5.5 rebounds per game over her two outings last week as No. 12 South Carolina defeated No. 19 Kentucky 74-79 on Thursday and edged out Arkansas 87-79 on Sunday.

³9LFWDULD LV VXFK D SOHDsure to coach both on and off the court,” South Carolina head coach Dawn Staley said. “She has incredible upside, and this recognitio­n will help her continue to JURZ :H DUH DOO SURXG RI 9 ´

6XQGD\¶V JDPH VDZ 6D[WRQ with a perfect shooting night, going

RI IURP WKH ¿HOG DQG RI IURP WKH IUHH WKURZ OLQH 6KH WXUQHG DOO ¿YH of her offensive rebounds into two points and hit a pair of free throws with 19 seconds to play to end Arkansas’ comeback drive.

The 6-foot-2 forward tied fellow freshman Destanni Henderson for the team lead with a career-high 19 points and narrowly missed her ¿UVW FDUHHU GRXEOH GRXEOH with nine rebounds.

$W .HQWXFN\ 6D[WRQ SOD\HG limited minutes but was effective when on the court. After the Gamecocks fell behind Kentucky early, she snagged a defensive rebound then delivered on an and-one on the other end to give the Gamecocks their ¿UVW OHDG LQ WKH JDPH $Q RIIHQVLYH rebound off a missed free throw in the waning seconds of the game sealed the victory as well.

2Q WKH VHDVRQ 6D[WRQ DYHUDJHV 4.1 points and 3.1 rebounds per game. She is among the SEC’s top 15 in blocks per game at 1.2. She has surged lately, averaging 6.3 points and 5.3 rebounds over the ODVW ¿YH JDPHV GXULQJ ZKLFK VKH has shot 83.3 percent from the ¿HOG DQG SHUFHQW IURP WKH free throw line.

No. 12 South Carolina is back in action Thursday hosting Ole Miss.

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