Rome News-Tribune


♦ The Rome High QB is set to sign with the Hokies today after an eventful last week.

- By Mike Niziolek

Knox Kadum completed his time at Rome High as a four-year starter this past season, leading the Wolves to two state championsh­ips and a spot in the semifinals.

.QR[ .DGXP FDQ hardly believe he’s set to become a member RI 9LUJLQLD 7HFK¶V IRRWEDOO UHFUXLWLQJ class today.

$ ZHHN DJR WKH VWDU TXDUWHUEDF­N H[SHFWHG to spend National Signing Day making things RI¿FLDO ZLWK )&6 SRZHUKRXVH -DPHV 0DGLVRQ and become a centerpiec­e of new coach &XUW &LJQHWWL¶V ¿UVW VLJQLQJ FODVV

But Kadum always dreamed of playing DW WKH )%6 OHYHO ² DQG WKH ULJKW ¿W GLGQ¶W PDWHULDOL]H XQWLO 9LUJLQLD 7HFK LQLWLDWHG a whirlwind courtship last weekend that has Kadum ready to make Blacksburg his home away from home.

“It’s kind of a weird feeling,” Kadum said in a phone interview on Monday. “Part of me keeps thinking if I pinch myself I’ll wake up. The other part of me thinks I’m right where I’m supposed to be. It’s surreal.”

‘A no-brainer decision’

The Hokies had recruited Kadum, a four-year starter for Rome High School ZKHUH KH TXDUWHUEDF­NHG WKHP WR WZR VWDWH WLWOHV DQG DQRWKHU VWDWH VHPL¿QDO appearance. But the coaching staff was also honest with him — they had no room IRU D TXDUWHUEDF­N LQ LWV FODVV

That all changed in January when former starter Josh Jackson and backup Hendon Hooker announced plans to transfer.

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