Rome News-Tribune

Friend refuses to attend woman’s wedding with an abusive fiance


Dear Abby: My dear friend of many years is marrying for the fourth time. Her fiance is verbally abusive and a heavy drinker. After a particular­ly bad period she went through with him, I told her that if she went ahead and married him, she should just let me know when it was over because I had no desire to witness this union.

Well, she called me a few days ago with the date, assuming I was going to go. When I reminded her of what I had said, she said she hadn’t believed me. She wasn’t happy about my refusal to go, but seems to have accepted it. My question is, do I need to acknowledg­e this wedding with a card or just let the day pass?

— Not A Fan Of The Man

Dear Not A Fan: Be prepared for the fact that your decision not to attend her wedding may result in distancing you from your friend. Send a sweet card with your good wishes. Then cross your fingers and pray for her wellbeing.

Dear Abby: I am a disabled vet, long divorced. My significan­t other is a widow eight years older than I am, who suffers from advanced arthritis.

I love her with all my heart, but I have become a full-time caregiver when I pretty much need someone to take care of me.

I find myself almost wishing she would pass, so I could lay down and die myself.

Any thoughts?

— Worn Out In The Carolinas

Dear Worn Out: Yes, but before I share them I want to thank you for your service to our country.

As much as you love your lady friend, your own health must come first. For both your sakes, you must NOT allow taking care of her to make you sick.

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