Rome News-Tribune

Sisters puzzle over how to respond to their parents’ secret bankruptcy


Dear Abby: My sister and I recently found out (through the internet) that my mother and stepfather have filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. A few months ago, Mom approached my sister (who’s an attorney) asking about the effects of bankruptcy “for a friend.”

My sister and I are now struggling with this informatio­n because my mom and stepdad promote a direct sales business where they advertise their multiple cars and lavish lifestyle. Should we let them know that we know about the bankruptcy and, if so, how should we handle this situation?

— Struggling Sisters

Dear Struggling: You and your sister the attorney should go to your mother and stepdad and tell them the cat’s out of the bag. They may need help extricatin­g themselves from the company they have been promoting. Many people have been caught up in shady direct sales schemes and wound up with garages filled with product they couldn’t sell.

Dear Abby: My boyfriend and I have a joint membership at our local gym. Today the gym owner asked him if I was his mother. It upset me to the point of tears. We are not the same race. He is fit; I’m not, but we are both in our early 30s.

Why do people ask rude questions when a simple check of paperwork would satisfy their curiosity? I feel I should say something to her like, “Mind your own business.” How do I get over this because I still would like to attend her gym?

— Working Out In The Midwest

Dear Working Out: That gym owner ain’t no rocket scientist. She could have lost TWO clients by asking that ill-advised question. Because you would like to continue patronizin­g the establishm­ent, refrain from telling her to mind her own business.

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