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Health experts’ letter slams proposal that can bar asylum-seekers

♦ The Georgia-heavy list reflects the state’s status as a global center of public health.

- By Andy Miller Georgia Health News

Dozens of health experts in Georgia have signed a letter to federal officials protesting a Trump Administra­tion proposal that would place a new obstacle for some people seeking asylum in the United States.

The rule aims to bar entry to some individual­s based on the threat of spreading diseases. If adopted, it would add to the administra­tion’s effort to tighten border control policies.

More than one-quarter of the signers of the Aug. 6 letter are from Georgia. That fact reflects the state’s status as a global center of public health, with the presence of the CDC in Atlanta and other widely recognized health institutio­ns.

The local signers include public health experts from Emory University, the University of Georgia and the Morehouse School of Medicine.

Tens of thousands of people seek asylum in the U.S. every year. Many are fleeing gang or domestic violence or political persecutio­n in other countries.

They are people like Estrella Sanchez, who was raped as a child in Mexico and then became a victim of sex traffickin­g before being detained in an immigratio­n detention center in Georgia.

Now she runs an Atlanta nonprofit that helps people with similarly grim experience­s — the homeless and sex traffickin­g victims, among others.

Almost half of asylumseek­ers experience­d torture in their home countries, said Darlene Lynch, of the Georgia chapter of the Center for Victims of Torture. Its clients last year came from 26 different countries of origin, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, Guatemala, Mexico and El Salvador.

The wait for the processing of such cases can stretch for years, as the asylum system is hampered by a major backlog of cases, according to the Migration Policy Institute.

The letter from the health experts was sent to U.S. Attorney General William Barr and acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf.

Barr said in a recent statement on another asylum rule change that the U.S. “is a generous country but is being completely overwhelme­d by the burdens associated with apprehendi­ng and processing hundreds of thousands of aliens along the southern border. “

The health experts, in their letter, said the new administra­tion proposal labels asylum-seekers “as a national security threat, scapegoati­ng them as vectors for a potentiall­y vast array of diseases and denying them protection. These sweeping new bans would direct immigratio­n authoritie­s to deport people seeking refugee and torture protection to life-threatenin­g dangers in violation of U.S. law and treaty obligation­s.’’

The rule would bar asylum to those who show potential COVID symptoms, have come into contact with someone with the virus — such as at an immigrant detention center — or have come from a country with substantia­l spread, the letter says. It adds that refugees would be blocked based on other diseases such as STDS.

The proposal would follow up on the CDC’S March 20 order to shut the border to only those people without “valid travel papers.” Lynch said officials imposing these rules are “using the COVID crisis and public health to advance antiimmigr­ant policies.’’

The Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, which helped organize the letter, said administra­tion officials have not yet replied to it.

Among the signers is Dr. Amy Zeidan, an emergency medicine physician and codirector of Human Rights/ Asylum Clinic at Emory University School of Medicine. She told GHN that asylumseek­ers often have “very significan­t physical and psychologi­cal damage.’’ Many individual­s at detention centers are seeking asylum, she added.

The Emory Institute of Human Rights’ Atlanta Asylum Network provides physical and psychologi­cal evaluation to asylum-seekers before they enter the judicial process.

Dabney Evans, the institute’s director, said the White House proposal “is 100% political. It’s not evidenceba­sed.’’

These immigrants, she said, “are desperate. No one really wants to leave their home country.’’

Public health decisions would be made by two agencies with no expertise in disease issues, the letter says. “Immigratio­n judges and (Homeland Security) officers are not qualified to make medical diagnoses yet would be directed by the rule to determine whether an asylum seeker’s symptoms are indicative of a covered disease.’’

Municipal workers fill sandbags for the elderly and those with disabiliti­es ahead of Hurricane Laura in Crowley, La., Tuesday.

GALVESTON, Texas — In the largest U.S. evacuation of the pandemic, more than half a million people were ordered to flee the Gulf Coast on Tuesday as Laura strengthen­ed into a hurricane that forecaster­s said could slam Texas and Louisiana with ferocious winds, heavy flooding and the power to push seawater miles inland.

More than 385,000 residents

U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy Devos has softened earlier comments that called for schools to reopen for in-person instructio­n for all, saying during a visit to a Georgia high school Tuesday that what she really wants to see is “100% learning.”

“I think perhaps there’s been a little bit of a misunderst­anding that going back to school meant 100% of the students had to be in-person 100% of the time,” Devos said at Forsyth Central High School in suburban Atlanta. “No, the expectatio­n is that there’s 100% learning in a way that’s going to work for each family and each student, and importantl­y, in each community and each school.”


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