Rome News-Tribune

AP FACT CHECK: BLM takes a distorted hit at GOP convention

- By Amanda Seitz, David Klepper and Hope Yen

WASHINGTON — The Republican National Convention’s final night heard Black Lives Matter falsely accused of co-coordinati­ng violent protests, and President Donald Trump’s record distorted on multiple fronts.

A look at some of the rhetoric before Trump addressed the convention proceeding­s Thursday:

RUDY GIULIANI, Trump’s personal attorney and former New York mayor:

“Black Lives Matter and antifa sprang into action and, in a flash, they hijacked the peaceful protest into vicious, brutal riots.” THE FACTS: That’s a hollow claim. There’s no evidence that Black Lives Matter or antifa, or any political group for that matter, is infiltrati­ng racial injustice protests with violence.

In June, The Associated Press analyzed court records, employment histories and social media posts for 217 people arrested in Minneapoli­s and the District of Columbia, cities at the center of the protests earlier this year.

More than 85 percent of the people arrested were local residents, and few had affiliatio­n with any organized groups. Social media posts for a few of those arrested indicated they were involved in left-leaning activities while others expressed support for the political right and Trump himself.

Local police department­s across the country were forced to knock down widespread social media rumors that busloads of “antifa,” a term for leftist militants, were coming to violently disrupt cities and towns during nationwide racial justice protests. In June, Twitter and Facebook busted accounts linked to white supremacy groups that were promoting some of those falsehoods online.



Under Trump, “we ... achieved energy independen­ce.”

THE FACTS: This is misleading. The pandemic has severely lessened the demand for crude oil. But through June, the United States was still importing more crude oil than it was selling overseas, according to the Census Bureau.

While the United States has become less reliant on foreign oil, it only produces 11.3 million barrels a day and consumes 18.5 million barrels of liquid fuels daily, according to the U.S. Energy Informatio­n Administra­tion.


SEN. TOM COTTON of Arkansas: “Joe Biden sent pallets of cash to the ayatollahs.”

THE FACTS: This is a distorted tale Trump and Republican­s loves to tell. Yes, the U. S. flew cash to Iran in the Obama years, but it was money the United States owed to that country.

Cotton is also playing into the convention’s pattern of attributin­g every action of President Barack Obama’s administra­tion to Biden personally.

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