Rome News-Tribune

Loeffler, Warnock square off in U.S. Senate runoff debate

♦ Perdue was a no-show against Ossoff.

- By Beau Evans

U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler and her Democratic challenger, Rev. Raphael Warnock, squared off on stock trades, police support and election integrity in a debate ahead of the Jan. 5 runoff election.

Hours earlier, Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff, who owns an investigat­ive journalism company, debated by himself Sunday after incumbent U.S. Sen. David Perdue declined to participat­e, saying two debates with Ossoff before Nov. 3 election were enough.

Victories for both Warnock and Ossoff would give Democrats control of Congress and the White House following President-elect Joe Biden’s win over President Donald Trump last month – though Trump has refused to concede as he continues promoting debunked claims of election fraud.

The importance of Georgia’s Senate runoffs for American government took center stage Sunday night, as Loeffler warned Democratic control of Washington, D.C., could spur radical policies while Warnock urged his opponent to stop entertaini­ng Trump’s divisive actions.

While Ossoff stood alone for his Atlanta Press Club debate, Loeffler and Warnock took turns lobbing attacks at each other and playing defense in a race that has drawn hundreds of millions of dollars in spending for television ads, socialmedi­a outreach and get-outthe-vote efforts.

Loeffler, a wealthy Atlanta businesswo­man, batted down allegation­s she profited from insider informatio­n on the risks of COVID-19 before the pandemic took hold in March to make controvers­ial stock trades, saying federal investigat­ors found no evidence of wrongdoing.

“I’ve been completely exonerated,” Loeffler said. “Those are lies perpetrate­d by the leftwing media and Democrats to distract from their radical agenda.”

Warnock, who is the senior pastor of Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church, has been bashed in attack ads for his past comments criticizin­g bad-actor police officers whom he described as having a “thug mentality,” as well as his past support for the firebrand Rev. Jeremiah Wright, which he says was taken out of context.

Following his campaign’s strategy, Warnock on Sunday dismissed attacks from Loeffler and her GOP allies as distractio­ns aimed at stirring emotions in voters rather than engaging in policy details.

“It’s clear to me that my opponent is going to work really hard spending millions of dollars of her own money trying to push a narrative about me,” Warnock said. “She’s clearly decided that she does not have a case to be made for why she should stay in that seat.”

Warnock has largely focused his campaign on bolstering health care amid the COVID-19 pandemic and strengthen­ing the Affordable Care Act. He slammed legislatio­n Loeffler has sponsored on health insurance, arguing it includes loopholes for insurers to deny coverage to people with preexistin­g conditions.

“She knows that junk healthcare plan show rolled out has a loophole in it big enough to drive a Mack truck through,” Warnock said on Sunday. “She can’t explain that, and so she’s trying to misreprese­nt my record.”

Loeffler has previously dismissed criticism her healthcare plan, insisting it would cover preexistin­g conditions despite questions over legal loopholes.

On Sunday, she repeatedly called Warnock a “radical liberal” and criticized his stances on criminal justice reform, particular­ly for reducing prison population­s.

“He doesn’t care about safety and security in any community,” Loeffler said. “I’m fighting to make sure we have the resources to keep our communitie­s safe and our police department­s well-funded and well-trained.”

Warnock has backed creating a federal body to probe officer use-of-force misconduct and opposed calls to defund police agencies, despite repeated claims from Loeffler to the contrary. He said Sunday that Loeffler was exaggerati­ng his stances on criminal justice reform to suit her campaign’s attack strategy.

“The land of the free is the mass-incarcerat­ion capital of the world,” Warnock said. “People on both sides of the aisle know our criminal justice system needs reform.”

Loeffler and Perdue are both threading the needle between supporting Trump’s quest to reverse his election loss and rallying Republican voters in Georgia who have lost faith in the state’s election system to turn out for Jan. 5 runoffs.

Loeffler several times on Sunday declined to pick sides in the spat between Trump, whose steadfast supporters she is seeking to court, and Gov. Brian Kemp, who appointed Loeffler January following former U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson’s retirement due to health issues.

“My loyalties are with Georgia,” Loeffler said.

Amid Republican in-fighting, Warnock and Ossoff are angling to portray the two wealthy senators as out-oftouch with average Georgians as they push to keep up voter momentum following Biden’s win in Georgia, which was the first time a Democratic presidenti­al candidate has won the state since 1992.

Ossoff, facing an empty podium, spent much of his onesided debate Sunday night highlighti­ng Perdue’s absence. He called the Republican senator “arrogant” and accused him of benefiting from insider trading via controvers­ial stock trades early in the COVID-19 pandemic – allegation­s Perdue has denied.

“Senator Perdue, I suppose, doesn’t feel that he can handle himself in debate or perhaps is concerned that he may incriminat­e himself in debate,” Ossoff said. “Both of which, in my opinion which are disqualify­ing for a U.S. Senator seeking reelection.”

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