Rome News-Tribune

Kan. advances anti-abortion measure on Roe anniversar­y

- By John Hanna AP Political Writer

TOPEKA, Kan. — Republican­s on Friday pushed a proposed anti-abortion amendment to the Kansas Constituti­on through the state House, a bitter reminder of election setbacks for abortion rights Democrats on the anniversar­y of the U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion nationwide.

The vote was 86-38 on a measure that would overturn a 2019 Kansas Supreme Court decision that declared access to abortion a “fundamenta­l” right under the state’s Bill of Rights. Abortion opponents had two votes more than the two-thirds majority necessary for passage, sending the proposal to the Senate, where a debate could occur as early as next week.

The measure would add language to the state constituti­on declaring that it grants no right to abortion and that the Legislatur­e can regulate abortion in line with U.S. Supreme Court decisions. The measure is not a state abortion ban, but it could allow one if a more conservati­ve U.S. Supreme Court overturned the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision protecting abortion rights.

“I think it’s about as ugly as you can get,” said Rep. Annie Kuether, a Topeka Democrat who supports abortion rights.

Republican­s said the timing of the debate was a coincidenc­e, but abortion rights Democrats, particular­ly women, saw it as a pointed message that GOP legislator­s and anti-abortion groups intend to keep moving toward a state ban. A similar proposal failed last year in the House when four GOP members objected, and elections last year left the Republican supermajor­ity more conservati­ve.

“It’s remarkable and it shows you that Kansas, that we are a pro-life state,” said Rep. Tori Arnberger, a Republican from the central Kansas town of Great Bend, who led the anti-abortion side during the debate.

Anti-abortion lawmakers said that if the Kansas court decision stands, two decades’ worth of restrictio­ns on abortion enacted with bipartisan support could fall in state court challenges.

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