Rome News-Tribune

For 1st Black Pentagon chief, racism challenge is personal

- By Lolita C. Baldor

WASHINGTON — Newly confirmed Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will have to contend not only with a world of security threats and a massive military bureaucrac­y, but also with a challenge that hits closer to home: rooting out racism and extremism in the ranks.

Austin took office Friday as the first Black defense chief, in the wake of the deadly insurrecti­on at the U.S. Capitol, where retired and current military members were among the rioters touting far-right conspiraci­es.

The retired four-star Army general told senators this week that the Pentagon’s job is to “keep America safe from our enemies. But we can’t do that if some of those enemies lie within our own ranks.”

Ridding the military of racists isn’t his only priority. Austin, who was confirmed in a 93-2 vote, has made clear that accelerati­ng delivery of coronaviru­s vaccines will get his early attention.

But the racism issue is personal. At Tuesday’s confirmati­on hearing, he explained why.

In 1995, when then-Lt. Col. Austin was serving with the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, three white soldiers, described as self-styled skinheads, were arrested in the murder of a Black couple who was walking down the street. Investigat­ors concluded the two were targeted because of their race.

The killing triggered an internal investigat­ion, and all told, 22 soldiers were linked to skinhead and other similar groups or found to hold extremist views. They included 17 who were considered white supremacis­ts or separatist­s.

“We woke up one day and discovered that we had extremist elements in our ranks,” Austin told the Senate Armed Services Committee. “And they did bad things that we certainly held them accountabl­e for. But we discovered that the signs for that activity were there all along. We just didn’t know what to look for or what to pay attention to.”

Austin is not the first secretary to grapple with the problem. Racism has long been an undercurre­nt in the military. While leaders insist only a small minority hold extremist views, there have been persistent incidents of racial hatred and, more subtly, a history of implicit bias in what is a predominan­tly white institutio­n.

A recent Air Force inspector general report found that Black service members in the Air Force are far more likely to be investigat­ed, arrested, face disciplina­ry actions and be discharged for misconduct.

Based on 2018 data, roughly two-thirds of the military’s enlisted corps is white and about 17% is Black, but the minority percentage declines as rank increases. The U.S. population overall is about three-quarters white and 13% Black, according to Census Bureau statistics.

Over the past year, Pentagon leaders have struggled to make changes, hampered by opposition from thenPresid­ent Donald Trump. It took months for the department to effectivel­y ban the Confederat­e flag last year, and Pentagon officials left to Congress the matter of renaming military bases that honor Confederat­e leaders. Trump rejected renaming the bases and defended flying the flag.

Senators peppered Austin with questions about extremism in the ranks and his plans to deal with it. The hearing was held two weeks after lawmakers fled the deadly insurrecti­on at the Capitol, in which many of the rioters espoused separatist or extremist views.

“It’s clear that we are at a crisis point,” said Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., saying leaders must root out extremism and reaffirm core military values.

Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., pressed Austin on the actions he will take. “Disunity is probably the most destructiv­e force in terms of our ability to defend ourselves,” Kaine said. “If we’re divided against one another, how can we defend the nation?”

Austin, who broke racial barriers throughout his four decades in the Army, said military leaders must set the right example to discourage and eliminate extremist behavior. They must get to know their troops, and look for signs of extremism or other problems, he said.

But Austin — the first Black man to serve as head of U.S. Central Command and the first to be the Army’s vice chief of staff — also knows that much of the solution must come from within the military services and lowerranki­ng commanders. They must ensure their troops are trained and aware of the prohibitio­ns.

“Most of us were embarrasse­d that we didn’t know what to look for and we didn’t really understand that by being engaged more with your people on these types of issues can pay big dividends,” he said, recalling the 82nd Airborne problems. “I don’t think that you can ever take your hand off the steering wheel here.”

But he also cautioned that there won’t be an easy solution, adding, “I don’t think that this is a thing that you can put a Band-Aid on and fix and leave alone. I think that training needs to go on, routinely.”

Austin gained confirmati­on after clearing a legal hurdle prohibitin­g anyone from serving as defense chief until they have been out of the military for seven years. Austin retired less than five years ago, but the House and Senate quickly approved the needed waiver, and President Joe Biden signed it Friday.

Soon afterward, Austin strode into the Pentagon, his afternoon already filled with calls and briefings, including a meeting with Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He held a broader video conference on COVID-19 with all top defense and military leaders, and his first call to an internatio­nal leader was with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenber­g.

Austin, 67, is a 1975 graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He helped lead the invasion into Iraq in 2003, and eight years later was the top U.S. commander there, overseeing the full American troop withdrawal. After serving as vice chief of the Army, Austin headed Central Command, where he oversaw the reinsertio­n of U.S. troops to Iraq to beat back Islamic State militants.

He describes himself as the son of a postal worker and a homemaker from Thomasvill­e, Georgia, who will speak his mind to Congress and to Biden.

 ?? AP-Alex Brandon ?? Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin arrives at the Pentagon, on Friday, in Washington.
AP-Alex Brandon Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin arrives at the Pentagon, on Friday, in Washington.

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