Rome News-Tribune

In-home camera systems make baby sitter feel like they’re in a fishbowl


Dear Abby: I enjoy babysittin­g for the children of family and friends. But while I have nothing to hide, I hate how everyone seems to have inside cameras. I feel like I’m in a fishbowl, like if I let their kids veg, I’ll be judged as lazy. I also hate having my picture taken, so the idea of being on a live feed is off-putting. Do I ask them to turn off the cameras, or stop babysittin­g?

— Monitored In Ohio

Dear Monitored: People usually have cameras inside their home for security reasons. Parents and pet owners enjoy peace of mind knowing they can check to see how their precious angels are. The intent is not to spy.

If you feel you are being watched excessivel­y, ask the parents how they think you are doing. Unless they complain, a good way of handling this would be to accept the situation, or restrict your babysittin­g to homes that are camera-free.

Dear Abby: My 25-yearold daughter has stopped talking to me. She said I need counseling to discuss the abuse during her childhood. I asked, “What abuse?” She won’t say! I can’t think of any. She was never spanked. She was given anything she asked for and allowed to join any club or sport.

The only thing she finally mentioned was that my husband and I had arguments. We didn’t argue often. I’m at a loss. Should I step back and leave her alone? I send texts and call her once a week. Most go unanswered. When she does answer, she asks if I have started counseling. Please advise.

— Cut Off In Indiana

Dear Cut Off: Tell your daughter that you are open to counseling, but only if it is joint counseling with her to figure out why there is such a disparity in your — and her — memories of her childhood. If you do, it may — I can’t guarantee — resolve what’s happening now.


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