Rome News-Tribune



1781: German-born astronomer William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus.

1865: The Confederac­y approved the use of slave troops against Union armies. 1925: A law prohibitin­g the teaching of evolution went into effect in Tennessee.

1991: The U.S. Justice Dept. announced that

Exxon had agreed to pay $1 billion to settle all claims resulting from the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska.

2013: Pope Francis was elected the

266th pope of the Catholic Church.


Percival Lowell (1855-1916), astronomer; Giorgos Seferis (19001971), poet; Walter Annenberg (1908-2002), publisher/philanthro­pist; Sammy Kaye (1910-1987), bandleader; L. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986), author/church of Scientolog­y founder; Al Jaffee (1921-), cartoonist; Neil Sedaka (1939-), singer-songwriter; William H. Macy (1950-), actor; Dana Delany (1956-), actress; Common (1972-), rapper/actor; Johan Santana (1979-), baseball player; Emile Hirsch (1985-), actor.

TODAY’S FACT: The 27 known moons of Uranus are named after characters from the works of William Shakespear­e and Alexander Pope.

TODAY’S SPORTS: In 1960, the NFL approved the relocation of the Chicago Cardinals franchise to St. Louis.

TODAY’S QUOTE: “When we hold back out of laziness, that is when we tie ourselves into knots of boredom.” — Walter Annenberg

TODAY’S NUMBER: 14.5 — length in miles of the undersea portion of the Seikan Tunnel in Japan, the longest and deepest operationa­l rail tunnel in the world, which opened this day in 1988.

TODAY’S MOON: New moon (March 13).

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