Rome News-Tribune

One district’s struggle to define critical race theory

- By Hayley Smith

LOS ANGELES — Inside a wood-clad meeting room in Orange County, five school board members sat before a sign-waving, opinionate­d crowd. For more than three hours, the trustees listened, debated and asked questions as they tried to decide whether to ban classroom teaching on a hard-to-define topic not taught in their schools: critical race theory.

The board members of the Placentia-yorba Linda Unified School District had even turned to the trusted pages of the Encycloped­ia Britannica, copying the entry for critical race theory into a public resolution that could become the legal policy of the district.

“I don’t think that this definition is really good,” trustee Marilyn Anderson said after reading the dense entry. “I think it needs to be really specific. It needs to spell out the specific theories that we do not want taught in our district — like that the United States is fundamenta­lly or systemical­ly racist.”

At the end of a long night, the board postponed the vote. But what emerged during their session revealed far more than angst over a “yes” or “no” vote on whether to ban critical race theory. Their meeting offered an up-close look at how an advanced academic concept has been transforme­d into a politicize­d slogan framing uncomforta­ble discussion­s about how to teach race, racism and equity in schools — and how the quest to define it inside a suburban school board meeting can be a minefield.

Critical race theory is a university-level academic lens for examining how racial inequality and racism are historical­ly embedded in legal systems, policies and institutio­ns in America and is not generally taught in K-12 schools. Yet Republican­s have seized on it as a wedge issue painting white people as racist oppressors and people of color as the oppressed. Democrats largely see the conservati­ve drive against critical race theory as racist dog-whistle politics that polarizes broader discussion­s about reckoning with America’s past.

Against this backdrop, school board members and parents in suburban Placentia-yorba Linda are trying to figure it all out for their kids.

Although ultimately designed to ban critical race theory, the district’s 14-point resolution was touted as a way to foster a “safe and respectful environmen­t for students.” It said the district “stands by the commitment to teach a complete and accurate account of history while also supporting the cultural integrity of students.”

Among the issues considered during the discussion were whether the district should promote “equity” or “equality”; whether to include the word “multicultu­ralism”; and whether it was appropriat­e to strive to “free students from the historical transgress­ions of the past.”

The public comments at the meeting were nearly evenly split between those in favor and those opposed to what they believed critical race theory stands for. The vast majority of students who spoke, including students of color, opposed the ban and supported their ethnic studies class, currently an elective course in high school.

“I have learned that people like me can make history — something I never thought I would be able to learn within the American education system,” one student told the board.

Critical race theory often becomes mixed up with ethnic studies, a different academic discipline that seeks to guide students in both K-12 and college courses through the histories, struggles and contributi­ons of Black, Latino, Asian and Indigenous Americans. Earlier this year, California became the first state in the nation to make ethnic studies a course requiremen­t for high school gradation in 2030 — and educators in each district can design their course with guidance from a stateappro­ved framework.

In September, Placentiay­orba Linda made headlines when a Yorba Linda High School student held a handmade poster reading “Ur dad

is my gardener” before a football game against a high school with a more sizable Latino student population. About 44% of Placentia-yorba Linda’s 23,000 students are Hispanic or Latino and 31% white, the two largest population­s. Some in the community pointed to the incident as an urgent call for more education around diversity and anti-racism.

The school board narrowly approved the developmen­t of its current ethnic studies elective earlier this year. It also approved a resolution condemning racism in 2020.

It’s unclear what the board will decide to do about critical race theory. Some trustees, including Anderson, Leandra Blades and Shawn Youngblood, have been vocal about their opposition to it. Blades has also been criticized for attending the Jan. 6 Trump rally in Washington, D.C.

The tenor of the meeting was at times sharp, but civil. Some attendees applauded for those who agreed with them and murmured disapprova­l for those who did not. Board members volleyed over several terms, including a point in the resolution that promoted “honoring the experience­s of all students by encouragin­g instructio­n that appropriat­ely explores multicultu­ralism.”

 ?? Robert Gauthier/los Angeles Times/tns ?? Andria Derio, who opposes teaching CRT in school, wears a sign stating she will remove her children from the district should the ban not pass, on Nov. 16 in Yorba Linda, California.
Robert Gauthier/los Angeles Times/tns Andria Derio, who opposes teaching CRT in school, wears a sign stating she will remove her children from the district should the ban not pass, on Nov. 16 in Yorba Linda, California.

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